What are lashings?
Lashings are used to firmly hold together two or more spars (poles, masts, scaffolding, legs, trestles, etc.) There are numerous survival construction projects that require lashings for construction.
Here is an example of lashings used to hold two posts together (details on how to create lashings below).
Before continuing, it will be helpful to review the various knots and hitches that lashings require. The diagram below illustrates some of the lashing terminology used.
Three basic types of Lashings
There are three basic types of lashings. The choice of which type of lashing to use depends upon the job the spars need to perform.
- Square Lashing: used where the spars under load have a tendency to slide over each other at the corners.
- Diagonal Lashing: used where the spars may spring away from each other when under a load.
- Sheer Lasing: used where spars have to share a load or for joining two spars end-to-end.
Square Lashing (used when spars tend to slide over each other)
Step 1: Place the spars in position.
Step 2: Secure one end of the lashing to the vertical spar using a Clove Hitch knot. Tie the hitch below the horizontal spar.
Step 3: Wrap turns under and behind the horizontal spar, over the top part of the vertical spar (above the horizontal spar), and behind the other side of the horizontal spar. Make three or four turns and work tight each turn made.
Step 4: Wrap three or four more turns but this time wrap them over and above the horizontal spar, behind and over the top of the vertical spar, and over and down the other size of the horizontal spar. Tighten each turn.
Step 5: Finish with a Clove Hitch knot on the horizontal spar.
Diagonal Lashing (use when spars tend to spring away from each other)
Step 1: Tie a tight Timber Hitch diagonally (vertically) over the crossing.
Step 2: Continue with three or four tight turns in the same vertical direction as the Timber Hitch. Then wrap three or four tight turns horizontally over the crossing.
Step 3: Finish with a Clove Hitch on one of the spars.
Shear Lashing (use when spars must share a load)
Step 1: Start with the legs parallel to each other.
Step 2: Tie a Clove Hitch around one of the spars.
Step 3: Wrap about 10 turns around the spars pulling tightly after each turn is made.
Step 4: Splay out the legs to the required angle. The tension on the lashings should remain tight.
Step 5: Then wrap 3 or 4 turns vertically where the spars cross.
Step 6: Finish with a Clove Hitch on one of the spars.
When lashing two poles end to end, complete steps 1, 2, and 3 but do not splay the legs apart and use about 20 turns instead of 10. Finish with a Clove Hitch around both poles. You can drive a piece of wood in between the poles to tighten the lashing.
Other types of lashings
Below is a collection of various types of lashings.
Japanese Square Lashing
Figure of 8 Lashing
Filipino Diagonal Lashing
This lashing required only one knot at the end. Pull all lashing tight to complete.
Step 1: Start with a bight and put this around both spars as shown.
Step 2: Take the two ends back and pull tightly.
Step 3: Lash with both ropes as shown.
Step 4: Turn and lash in the opposite direction.
Step 5: Divide the ropes between the spars, adding frapping turns (tight binding) as needed.
Step 6: Pull tight and finish with a Reed knot.
Gin Tripod Lashing
A quick, strong lashing for lightweight tripods.
Step 1: Make a loop over one of the poles with the ends leading between
the other two.
Step 2: Lead the long end of the rope above the loop and wrap it around all three poles about five or six times. Put the loop over the wraps and over top of same pole.
Step 3: Pull the loop tight with the short end of the rope. Lead the short end over the wraps in the between two poles opposite the loop.
Step 4: Tie the ends of the rope together with a square knot between the ends of the poles.
West Country Shear Lashing
This lashing is a series of overhand knots made on alternating sides and finished with a Square Knot. Two lashings make a strong shear joint between two poles.
A West Country Shear Lashing is a type of knot that is commonly used for binding poles or spars together. It is a strong and secure knot that is easy to tie with a little bit of practice.
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Take two poles or spars that you want to bind together and lay them parallel to each other, with the ends overlapping by about a foot.
- Take a long piece of rope (at least 10 feet) and tie a clove hitch around one of the poles, about 6 inches from the end. Make sure the working end of the rope is on the same side of the pole as the overlapping end of the other pole.
- Bring the working end of the rope over the top of the first pole and then under the overlapping end of the second pole.
- Bring the working end of the rope back over the top of the second pole and then under the first pole.
- Continue wrapping the rope around the poles, alternating between going over and under each pole. Make sure to keep the wraps tight and close together.
- After making several wraps, take the working end of the rope and pass it through the loop created by the clove hitch at the beginning of the lashing.
- Pull the working end of the rope tight to secure the lashing in place.
- Tie off the working end of the rope with a knot (such as a square knot or a bowline) to keep the lashing from coming undone.
Tips for Success
- Use a strong and durable rope, such as manila or hemp, for the lashing.
- Make sure to keep the wraps tight and close together to create a strong and secure lashing.
- Practice tying the knot several times before attempting to use it for a project.
Structures and lashings
Below are various survival construction projects that use some of the lashings discussed above.
Simple Tower
Here are various ways to anchor construction objects.
The trestle demonstrates pioneering construction techniques. Begin by lashing the ledgers to the legs and add the braces. The center diagonal lashing should be tied last. Bracing diagonally gives the structure great strength and rigidity. This technique is called triangulation. Note that one end of the brace is opposite the other four ends to add locking tension to the brace.