An unnamed 64-year-old French man received a surprise gift from his co-workers – a ride in a Dassault Rafale B jet. He arrived at the airport with no knowledge of the gift he was about to receive. Before takeoff, his smartwatch recorded his heart rate as 136 to 142 beats per minute. Unknown to his…
Tag: airplane
Oh, don’t bother – I’m not here to fly
Reports say an exotic spy plane has been circling above Seattle and its suburbs for days.
Funny United Airlines slogans – UA mottos get brutal after video of passenger being roughed up for refusing to give up his seat.
After the video footage of a passenger being roughed up after refusing to give up his seat to airline employees, United Airlines is suffering a brutal takedown of its own. Their motto, “Fly the Friendly Skies” seems to have lost its meaning. Instead, here are some funny new mottos we believe the beleaguered airline should…
Airline pilot bets he can land the plane while blindfolded. Crashes plane killing 70 passengers (1986).
On October 20, 1986, the seven-man crew of a Tu-134A aircraft departed from Koltsovo Airport (in Sverdlovsk in the Urals, Russia) on route to Grozny on Aeroflot Flight 6502. To the 85 passengers, it was a routine flight. However, to pilot in command Alexander Kliuyev, the trip needed a little spice.
These giant arrows blanket the U.S.A. from coast to coast – what are they?
Interesting MUFON report (with photos) of dome-shaped UFO flying near jet airplane in El Cajon, California
There was an interesting MUFON report this week, with photos (video of the same object appeared on YouTube shortly after the report was submitted to MUFON). The sighting took place on January 14, 2016 near El Cajon, California. The witness was filming a fighter jet’s contrails in the sky and at first, did not notice…
Plane passenger snaps picture of humanoid-like cloud figure above Austria.
30-year-old Nick O’Donoghue was flying aboard an EasyJet flight flying at 30,000 feet when he noticed a bizarre humanoid-like figure outside his window. He grabbed his camera and snapped the amazing photo above which shows a strange shadowy figure, resembling a giant robot, walking across the clouds.
That time the U.S. Air Force destroyed a $115 million airplane by accidentally flying it upside down.
The incident occurred on April 21, 2015 while the United States Air Force was conducting a test flight in a mammoth $115-million-dollar AC-130J Ghostrider gunship. The pilot attempted a maneuver called a “sideslip” which calls for applying opposite rudder while tilting the airplane right or left in order to lower a wing. In this instance,…