Did the 2016 discovery of Proxima-B planet confirm prior claims of alien life in Proxima Centauri star system? The bizarre Elizabeth Klarer/Akon and Hands alien contact cases.

Elizabeth Klarer portrait of the alien Akon

Most passed off the cases as fantastical tales from a troubled soul or highly imaginative mind. However, in 2016, a ground-breaking astronomical discovery called both cases back into the spotlight when researchers confirmed the discovery of Proxima-B, and earth-like exoplanet discovered orbiting the habitable zone of the Proxima Centauri – precisely the location the subjects…

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Bones, balls, coffins, people, and more – what’s with all the anomalous objects spotted on the surface of Mars?

Weird anomalous object on Mars - Another Face on Mars

As quickly as NASA publishes unbelievably detailed photographs of the Martian surface, people back home find odd and unusual objects within those photos. Despite NASA’s proven manipulation of the Mars photographs, eagle-eyed researchers continue finding unusual anomalies in the photographs of the Martian surface and ask “Have you *ever* in your life seen a natural…

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