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More pareidolia on Mars. Unexplained wheels and axle found in NASA Mars photograph.

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We’ve spotted a lot of weird stuff on Mars but this one is particularly enticing. In the NASA JPL photo above, notice the unusually shaped object near the bottom of the outcrop of rocks. Here’s a zoomed version of the photo.

Unexplained wheels and axle found in NASA Mars photograph

And here’s an even tighter zoom. The object looks like a set of wheels on an axle!

Unexplained wheels and axle found in NASA Mars photograph

Of course, NASA says the object is nothing more than an uncommon-shaped rock, but the paranormal community believes the object is further proof that Mars was once colonized by someone other than humans – or ahem, possibly the Romans were capable of space travel, and we never knew.  Weird-shaped rocks, remnants of an alien civilization, or wreckage from a secret human-based excursion to the Red Planet? Let us know in the comments below (but play nice).

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