Twitter lit up on November 29, 2014 as hundreds of witnesses reported hearing a sequence of mysterious and inexplicable loud bangs and booms that continued echoing throughout the United Kingdom for up to 30 minutes. Around the same time, reports of a similar strange noise began arriving from France, Denmark, Belgium, Australia and the eastern…
Tag: australia
Sharks locked in an intimate kiss? No! It’s a rare case of two sharks attacking each other! [Video]
Don’t worry kids – it’s only a huge venomous snake that attacks you while you sleep.
Do animals use tools? Dolphins do. They can use sponges gripped in their mouth to catch fish.
Long known to be amongst the smartest members of the animal kingdom, researchers have discovered that dolphins, like people, use tools to help them hunt and capture their food. Researchers studying dolphins in Australia, noticed that more than half of the dolphins hunted for food while holding sponges in their mouth. Apparently the dolphins prod…
Huge 17-foot great white shark photographed and tagged by brave scientists
As if they’re not already creepy enough, researchers find two-headed stingray fetus floating in aquarium water
Australian researcher Leonardo Guida was cleaning an aquarium in April when he saw several baby rays floating in the water. Noting that the mother stingrays had just given birth, he began recording the baby rays when he saw an “oddly shaped, pale object floating in the water”. That odd object turned out to be a…
Check out these gnarly skateboarding mice as they grind coping and do aerials in their mini skateboard park
A lake full of Pepto Bismal? Australia’s Lake Hillier – a bubble-gum pink wonder that scientists have yet to unravel.
From above, Lake Hillier, located on the edge of Recherche Archipelago’s largest island in Australia, looks to be filled with Pepto Bismal. It’s bubble-gum pink waters are so unusual, airlines report passengers getting up from their seats and crowding around windows to get a peek of the stunningly beautiful natural wonder. Scientists are unsure why…
UFO reports from Queensland, Australia appear to be beginning of “wave” of unexplained sightings
UFO reports from Queensland, Australia, particularly in the Bundaberg Region, are beginning to catch the eye of ufologists around the world. UFO reports from Bundaberg, where unlike in the United States and Europe, the Austrian culture and attitude tend to keep residents quiet about their sightings, are beginning to come forth – in waves and…
12-pound gold nugget discovered in field where hundreds of prospectors had searched before
An anonymous gold prospector using a Minelab GPX-5000 metal detector has discovered a 12-pound gold nugget worth a whopping $315,000 dollars. The prospector was searching in a field near the city of Ballarat in Victoria, Australia, in a well-known, previously searched gold prospecting field. It is estimated that hundreds of prospectors had searched the same…