Those cute little Wombats, the short-legged marsupials that are native to Australia, poop the most curious scat (i.e. feces or, ahem, turds). Despite having a normal round anus, Wombats poop square cubes!
In 1966, Australia saw its largest mass UFO sighting in history. For over 20 minutes, more than 300 students, teachers, and others watched as a silver disc-shaped object flew about the school, landed behind it, then took off and sped away. Fifty years later, witnesses to the event still have no explanation for what they…
Global warming and climate change have produced unusually dry conditions in Australia this past year, prompting a bizarre invasion of a species worthy of nightmares – well at least for the residents of southeastern Australia who say the “hairy panic” tumbleweeds are burying their cars, covering doorways, and piling up on roofs of houses.
Australia is the land of many strange animals but this one has many stumped. Ethan Tipper took the photograph above of a bizarre sea creature that washed up on the shores of an Australian lake this week. The prehistoric-looking sea creature appears to be about 10 feet long with an eel-like (sea serpent) body, long…
Two astrophotographers report capturing video of an ultra-fast UFO screaming across the sky in Darwin, Australia. The couple, Paul and Sylvia Mayo, have 30-years’ worth of astrophotography under their belts and say they are “baffled by the sight” which took place on June 12, 2015 at 1:00 AM as they pulled into a gas station.
Wait – sit back down! It’s not an alien nor closet ghost but yeah, with 25 rows of over 300 teeth it could tear off your face. The picture above is a rare frilled shark that was caught by a startled fisherman in Australia. Its oversized-mouth is packed with needle-like teeth and the shark’s weird-looking…
It’s a rare weather phenomena called a “fallstreak hole” that occurs when the water temperature inside a cloud drops to freezing but the water vapor itself cannot freeze because there are not enough “ice nucleation particles” – and man, does it look freaky. Last month citizens of Wonthaggi, Australia were treated to the spectacular sight…