A team of researchers has made a groundbreaking discovery – fish have an internal sense of self, as demonstrated by their recognition of their own face in a picture.
There are plenty of reasons we need a list of the world’s strangest animals besides just proving that these creatures really do exist. Among this list you’ll find Halloween costume ideas, ideas for faces you can make behind the teacher’s back, and new names you can call your friends. Plus, if you’re ugly, you won’t…
A woman in the eastern Kazakhstan city of Semey, purchased a fresh herring fish from her local market, brought it home, and began to fillet it when she noticed something odd. The fish’s insides glowed in the dark! According to Gulbarshin Kaydarova, inside the fish she found “strange growths” that gave off a bluish-green light.
Residents of Dire Dawa in eastern Ethiopia welcomed the much needed rain in their drought-stricken area but were not expecting the oddity that came with it. According to the Ethiopian Herald, at around 11:30 AM on January 31, 2016, fish began to rain from the sky over the peasant neighborhoods of Dechatu, Finfinne, Adada, and…
It has a clear, translucent body, broad wing-like fins, and a flowing “tissue-paper-like” tail – and set a new record for the deepest fish ever recorded! It was captured on film in the Mariana Trench by a camera in a robotic submarine. Unfortunately, no scientists were around as the fish swam slowly past the camera,…
Researchers with the Monterey Ray Bay Aquarium Research Institute acquired footage of the rare Melanocetus fish, more affectionately known as “the Black Seadevil”. These creepy critters are rarely seen in their natural deep-sea habitat. Scientists who captured the wonderful new footage of the Black Seadevil told reporters that the first thing they thought when the…