16-year-old Adrien Locatelli, from Grenoble, France, has succeeded in transcribing the book of Genesis and the Quran into DNA and injecting them into his body. He injected the text of the books in each thigh.
Studies are showing that instances of demonic possessions have been on an exponential rise for the past three years. Scarier still, churches report they are failing to meet the demand for xxorcists due to lack of trained clergy. In Italy alone, more than a half-million cases have been reported – and they are not alone.…
Project Blue Beam is rumored to be NASA’s attempt to implement a New World Order via simulated holographic projections such as the second-coming of Jesus or an alien invasion. The theory was first published by Canadian journalist Serge Monast in 1991 and later published his theory in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA) shortly before…
New NASA imagery has been released showing a huge, bizarre, glowing human hand-like structure that appears to be reaching out to touch a brilliant glowing red cloud in deep space. Complete with clearly-defined forearm, wrist, thumb, fingers, and fingernails, the celestial object has been appropriately dubbed the “Hand of God”.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. Passage from the Bible describing the application of The Mark of the Best.