Could aliens be permanently orbiting the Sun, harvesting its energy?

Photo showing an unusual object (UFO) travelling away from the Sun

Pictures of solar flares are remarkably fascinating – and common. NASA publishes new pictures of solar flares on a near-weekly basis. However, researchers have taken a closer look at the pictures and discovered something unusual – an object which looks oddly solid that seems to be orbiting around the Sun, just outside its transition region.…

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Cool science pictures that make you go “huh?”

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It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In these interesting science pictures, they are worth a single word – “huh?”. Check out the cool science pictures below. If they don’t cause you to scratch your head in wonder, they will at least put things in perspective.

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Our wonderful Sun – the brightest star in the sky!

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Our Sun is an ordinary star although it is quite large compared to other stars. In terms of “mass”, most stars have less than half the mass of our Sun. You could fit 109 Earths across the Sun. The Romans called the Sun “sol” (as in SOlar).

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