A Trebuchet (pronounced treb-oo-shay) is a medieval siege engine that transfers gravitational energy into kinetic energy – similar to a playground see-saw. In ancient times, it was used to launch (throw) projectiles including boulders, dead horses, and diseased bodies into or over castle walls to soften the defenses in preparation for invasion. On one end…
Tag: weapons
How to make and use a Bola (rocks on string weapon)
Bow and Arrows – how to make and use bow and arrows in the wild
Throwing Sticks – how to make and use a throwing stick.
Spears – how to make a spear in a wilderness survival situation.
Knives – their components, blade types, and how to use them for survival.
In a survival scenario, a knife is by far your most important tool. A knife has four basic functions. It can puncture, slash or chop, cut, and scrape. A knife is also an invaluable tool used to construct other survival items. If you find yourself in a survival situation without a knife, you can make…
Clubs in the Wilderness – how to make a deadly club to use in a survival situation.
A club, also known as cudgel, baton, mace, nightstick or bludgeon, is essentially a short stick. You hold clubs and most are small enough to swing with one hand (although a shorter walking stick will also suffice). Although they are not thrown as you would a throwing stick, the club can extend your area of…
An introduction to weapons, tools, and gear required for wilderness survival.
It is important to properly maintain your weapons, tools, and gear. This is especially true of your knife. You must always keep it sharp and ready to use. A knife is your most valuable tool in a survival situation. With the proper knowledge and skills, you can easily improvise needed items. In survival situations, you…