12-year-old girls stab friend to gain favor from demonic Slenderman entity

Slenderman steals small children in the night

Two 12-year-old Waukesha, Wisconsin girls have been arrested after a vicious knife attack against a 12-year-old friend. Officials believe the pair spent several months planning their May 31, 2014 attack and that they believed by killing the young girl, they would prove to Slenderman that they were “worthy” and gain favor from the mysterious demonic…

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The legendary “Minnesota Iceman” creature resurfaces at Austin, Texas museum.

Minnesota Iceman in Austin, Texas museum

During the 1960’s, a strange frozen creature known as the “Minnesota Iceman”, was a popular sideshow exhibition in a circuit that traveled across the United States displaying the mysterious beast in malls, fairgrounds, and school events. At times labeled the “Missing Link”, “The Siberskoye Creature”, or “The Creature in Ice”, the six-foot tall, hairy creature…

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