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That time President Roosevelt was shot in the chest but went ahead, took the stage, and made his speech anyway

Theodore Roosevelt speaking from a car in Milwaukee on Oct. 14, 1912

Four U.S. presidents have been assassinated – Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. Even more survived attempted assassinations including Andrew Jackson, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush. Any presidential assassination attempt is highly unusual but the attempt to assassinate President Theodore Roosevelt stands head and shoulders above any other. Roosevelt was shot in the chest just before making a speech, but with blood seeping through his shirt and a bullet lodged in his chest, he took the stage anyway and completed his address to the people.

The Theodore Roosevelt assassination attempt

Automobile in Which Ex-President Roosevelt Stood when Shot.
Automobile in Which Ex-President Roosevelt Stood when Shot. Crosses Marked Where Col. Roosevelt and Schrank Stood.

Theodore Roosevelt succeeded William McKinley who himself was assassinated on September 6, 1901, by Leon Czolgosz, a crazed anarchist. Roosevelt was then elected in 1904 to a full term and served to 1909. Four years later, disappointed with the direction William Howard Taft was leading the country, he campaigned again for the 1912 election. It was on October 14, 1912, that his campaign took an odd turn.

While campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Roosevelt was shot by saloonkeeper John Flammang Schrank at 8:00 PM outside the Gilpatrick Hotel. As he stood up in the open-air automobile and waved his hat with his right hand to the crowd, a flash from a Colt revolver five feet away erupted.

The candidate’s stenographer quickly wrestled the would-be assassin to the ground and grabbed the assailant’s right wrist to prevent him from firing a second shot. Roosevelt turned to the assassin and asked calmly, “What did you do it for?” When the assassin refused to answer, Roosevelt exclaimed, “Oh, what’s the use? Turn him over to the police.”

Theodore Roosevelt’s injuries

The bullet struck the vest of Roosevelt’s jacket, penetrated his steel eyeglass case, and passed through a 50-page folded copy of the speech he was about to make. According to reports, Roosevelt felt that since he was not coughing up blood, his lungs were undamaged, and he could go ahead and make his speech.

He telegrammed his wife first, to ease her concerns, and explained that the wound was nothing to worry about, a “mere a particle no more serious than one of the injuries any of the boys used continually to be having.”

Declining to go to the hospital, he took the stage. With blood seeping through his shirt and a bullet embedded in his body, he began to speak:

“Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.”

Roosevelt pulled the speech from his pocket and noting two big holes blown through each page, he commented:

“Fortunately, I had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a bullet—there is where the bullet went through—and it probably saved me from it going into my heart. The bullet is in me now, so that I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best.”

 X-Ray of Schrank's bullet in Roosevelt's chest
X-Ray of Schrank’s bullet in Roosevelt’s chest (left side, halfway down)

With bystanders positioned around the podium to catch him if he collapsed, Roosevelt continued to speak for more than an hour. His voice weakened and his breath shortened and at one point he told the audience:

“I give you my word, I do not care a rap about being shot – not a rap.”

Later it was found that the bullet had lodged into Roosevelt’s chest muscle, and it was concluded that it would be less dangerous to leave it there.

Because of the injury, Roosevelt was forced to leave the campaign trail for the final few weeks of the race. Graciously, the other two campaigners voluntarily stopped their own campaigns, refusing to continue until Roosevelt was released from the hospital.

Additional information

President Theodore Roosevelt attempted assassination photos

Check out photos related to the President Theodore Roosevelt assassination attempt in the pictorial gallery below.

Roosevelt directed the following telegram to Mrs. Roosevelt

Roosevelt gave orders that if the telegraph office at Oyster Bay was closed the message should be taken to Sagamore Hill by taxicab.

“Am in excellent shape, made an hour and half speech. The wound is a trivial one. I think they will find that it merely glanced on a rib and went somewhere into a cavity of the body; it certainly did not touch a lung and isn’t a particle more serious than one of the injuries any of the boys used continually to be having. Am at the Emergency hospital at the moment, but anticipate going right on with my engagements. My voice seems to be in good shape. Best love to Ethel.

Theodore Roosevelt.”

First bulletin issued by surgeons at the Johnston Emergency hospital

“The bleeding was insignificant and the wound was immediately cleansed, externally and dressed with sterile gauze by R. G. Sayle, of Milwaukee, consulting surgeon of the Emergency hospital. As the bullet passed through Col. Roosevelt’s clothes, doubled manuscript and metal spectacle case, its force was much diminished. The appearance of the wound also presented evidence of a much bent bullet. The colonel is not suffering from shock and is in no pain. His condition was so good that the surgeons did not object to his continuing his journey in his private car to Chicago where he will be placed under surgical care.


Dr. S. L. Terrell.

Dr. R. G. Sayle.

Dr. Joseph Colt Bloodgood,

of the faculty of Johns-Hopkins University.

Dr. T. A. Stratton.”

Bulletin, issued by the surgeons on the morning of October 15, describing the wound inflicted by Schrank’s bullet

“Col. Roosevelt’s hurt is a deep bullet wound of the chest wall without striking any vital organ in transit. The wound was not probed. The point of entrance was to the right of and one inch below the level of the right nipple. The range of the bullet was upward and inward, a distance of four inches, deeply in the chest wall. There was no evidence of the bullet penetrating into the lung. Pulse, 90; temperature, 99.2; respiration, 20; leucocyte count, .82 at 10 a.m. No operation to remove bullet is indicated at the present time. Condition hopeful, but wound so important as to demand absolute rest for a number of days.


Dr. John B. Murphy.

Dr. Arthur B. Bevan.

Dr. Scurry L. Terrell.

Dr. R. G. Sayle.”

Letter found in Schrank’s coat pocket

“To the People of the United States:

September 15, 1901—1:30 A.M.

In a dream I saw President McKinley sit up in his coffin pointing at a man in a monk’s attire in whom I recognized Theodore Roosevelt. The dead president said—This is my murderer—avenge my death.

September 14, 1912—1:30 A.M.

While writing a poem some one tapped me on the shoulder and said—let not a murderer take the presidential chair, avenge my death. I could clearly see Mr. McKinley’s features. Before the Almighty God, I swear that the above written is nothing but the truth.

So long as Japan could rise to be one of the greatest powers of the world despite her surviving a tradition more than 2,000 years old, as Gen. Nogi demonstrated, it is the duty of the United States of America to see that the third termer be regarded as a traitor to the American cause. Let it be the right and duty of every citizen to forcibly remove a third termer.

Never let a third term party emblem appear on an official ballot. I am willing to die for my country. God has called me to be his instrument, so help me God.


Examination of Schrank

Under direction of Chief John T. Janssen, of the Milwaukee police department, the following examination of Schrank was conducted.

Chief. What is your name?

A. Do I have to tell that tonight, sir?

Q. Yes.

A. I have to?

Q. Yes.

A. I have given the man below the promise I will do that tomorrow, tell him all I know.

Q. Well, there is no reason for you to do that tomorrow, if you do it this evening it will facilitate matters.

A. I suppose I will inconvenience someone by not telling.

Q. Yes, you are helping a good deal by telling.

A. Well, I come from New York.

Q. What is your name?

A. John Schrank.

Q. When did you come here from New York?

A. I left New York on the twenty-first of September and I left for Charleston and I left my grip there in the Hotel Mosely; from Charleston to Augusta and from there to Atlanta and from Atlanta I think to Birmingham and over to Chattanooga, and from Chattanooga I went to Nashville and then to Evansville, and then to Louisville, and then to Chicago, and from Chicago here, and I arrived here Sunday at one o’clock.

Q. Why did you go to all those places?

A. Because I wanted to meet that man.

Q. What man?

A. Theodore Roosevelt.

Q. How long have you lived in New York?

A. About twenty-five years.

Q. What is your business?

A. Well, I am not doing anything now, I have been in the liquor business.

Q. Where?

A. In New York.

Q. What place?

A. Tenth street.

Q. Give us the number please?

A. Three hundred seventy, East Tenth street, between avenues B and C; I have been with my uncle; my uncle’s name is Flammang.

Q. Are you a married man?

A. No, sir.

Q. How long have you been in the liquor business?

A. Well, ever since I was a boy. My folks were in business the time I come over here and I was twelve years old then.

Q. How old are you now?

A. Thirty-six.

Q. Well, what object did you have in following around and trying to meet Theodore Roosevelt?

A. Well, because I have been reading history and following up history and I have seen that this man Roosevelt is trying to break one of the old established traditions of the country, calling it a third termer, which he has no right to; he can create a third party and create all the offices, but to nominate himself it was absolutely out of the way and I think today that it is absolutely unnecessary to establish now and have the third tradition to exist and not to be violated by anybody.

Q. Well, what did you have in mind to do when you went around in these different places?

A. I had in mind to meet him and he escaped me every time; he escaped me in Atlanta and Chattanooga.

Q. He escaped what?

A. He has not come the way I expected, he did not come out the way I expected; if he goes in a hall today and speaks in a hall and he come in this way or that way he goes out a different way and the man got away.

Q. What did he escape from?

A. From the places I wanted to meet him?

Q. Why did you want to meet him?

A. Because I wanted to put him out of the way. A man that wants a third term has no right to live.

Q. That is, you wanted to kill him?

A. I did.

Q. Have you any other reason in wanting to kill him?

A. I have.

Q. What is that?

A. I had a dream several years ago that Mr. McKinley appeared to me and he told me that Mr. Roosevelt is practically his real murderer and not this here Czolgosz, or whatever his name was, Mr. Roosevelt is practically the man that has been the real murderer of President McKinley in order to get the presidency of the United States, because the way things were that time he was not supposed to be a president; all the leaders did not want him, that’s the reason they give him the vice-presidency, which is political suicide; and that’s what I am sore about, to think Mr. McKinley appeared to me in a dream and said, “this is my murderer and nobody else.”

Q. Did you speak with anybody in New York about this before you left?

A. No, sir.

Q. You made your mind up to this all yourself?

A. Yes, because I am alone, although I own property in New York.

Q. What property?

A. I own property in four hundred thirty-three East Eighty-first street.

Q. What does it consist of?

A. It consists of an apartment house with ten tenants; it’s estimated at twenty-five thousand dollars.

Q. Did you attend any political meetings in New York before you left?

A. I attended several, yes, sir; ever since I was coming across the country; I had political meetings in Evansville, Indiana, of the three political parties.

Q. Who furnished you with the funds that you needed to travel around the country?

A. I beg your pardon, I was just telling you I have property there and had the money.

Winifred C. Zabel, District Attorney

Winifred C. Zabel, District Attorney
Milwaukee County.

Q. Have you any money now?

A. No, sir.

Q. When did you run out?

A. I just took this three hundred dollars to go around and all I saved up is one hundred forty dollars.

Q. Where did you leave that?

A. I left that here.

Q. Well, why did you come here; oh, this was yesterday?

A. I came here Sunday at one o’clock in order to find out in the city where he was going to speak and where I could meet him.

Q. You never were married?

A. No, sir.

Q. You said a minute ago you weren’t doing anything now; when did you go out of business?

A. I am out of business going on two years, living off the income of the property.

Q. And that is sufficient to keep you?

A. Sufficient to keep me as long as I keep in my limits.

Q. How much is the property worth?

A. Well, it has been worth for twenty-five, supposed to be worth at twenty-five and taxed at twenty-five thousand.

Q. How much is the income you derive from it?

A. Around eight hundred dollars a year.

Q. And do you live with your brother when you are at home?

A. I have no brother. I have been living for the past seven months in one hundred fifty-six Canal street, New York, that’s a hotel.

Q. What is the name of the hotel?

A. White House they call it; the owner of the hotel is Jost, Gustav, Gustav Jost.

Q. How long you been living there?

A. I think seven months.

Q. Is there a bar connected with the place?

A. Oh, indeed.

Q. Have you been drinking lately?

A. No, sir; no, sir; that ain’t my habit.

Q. What is your favorite drink when you do?

A. Beer.

Q. If you had your mind set upon shooting Mr. Roosevelt, how does it come that you had to follow him to so many places before you came here?

A. As I have been telling you a minute ago, he escaped me many a time, he escaped me in Chicago.

Q. By leaving the place where he spoke by some other door?

A. By some other door and I was watching and he didn’t come out that way and it was advertised by the papers he would come on the Northwestern and instead he come on the St. Paul.

Q. Where did you buy the revolver?

A. In New York.

Q. When?

A. On Saturday the twenty-first.

Q. And you bought it with the object in view of shooting Mr. Roosevelt?

A. Yes, sir; exactly.

Q. Where did you buy it?

A. I could not really tell you where I bought it, in Broadway, I know it’s below Canal street, but I could not tell you the name.

Q. What’s the make?

A. Colt; thirty-eight caliber; it’s where you turn the barrel to the side way, it’s none of those you open this way.

Q. What kind of place, a hardware store or gun shop?

A. No, sir; nothing but guns; I paid fourteen dollars for it.

Q. Did you ever discuss this matter with any other person of what you intended to do?

A. No, sir; no, sir.

Q. You didn’t speak to anyone?

A. I discussed as far as the political discussion is concerned, but I never give anybody a hint that I was going to do this, that was all my own make-up.

Q. You didn’t tell anybody why you bought the revolver?

A. No, sir; nobody knew I bought a revolver.

Q. In this dream that you had, McKinley told you that it wasn’t Czolgosz that killed McKinley, but it was Roosevelt?

A. Well, he says in this way, “this is my murderer.”

Q. Did you ever meet Czolgosz or know him in his life-time?

A. No, sir; no, sir; how could I. I have been all that time since I have been here in New York.

Q. Did you know John Most when he was alive?

A. No, sir.

Q. Did you ever hear him talk?

A. No, sir.

Q. Did you ever hear Emma Goldman?

A. No, sir; I am not an anarchist or socialist or democrat or republican; I just took up the thing the way I thought it was best to do.

Q. You are not a member of any party?

A. No, sir; I thought there should be an example of the third term if it should exist any longer; Mr. Grant was refused and he was satisfied; this man was refused and he is not satisfied; it’s gone beyond limits; if he keeps on doing this after election, he can’t possibly carry a solid western state; the next thing we will have is a Civil War, because he will say the scoundrels and thieves and crooks stole my nomination and now they will steal my election, and they will take up arms in all the western states; we are facing a civil war just to keep him in a third term, in an illegitimate place.

Q. Where did you get all this idea from?

A. I have been reading history all the time.

Q. You don’t find that anywhere in history that they stole his nomination and going to steal his election?

A. I don’t have to read that in history; you must know in the Chicago convention it was in every paper, everybody could read it.

Q. You read it in the paper then?

A. He says it every time he speaks.

Q. What paper do you read at home in New York?

A. The World.

Q. Is that the only paper you read?

A. I read German papers and every paper I got, but the regular paper is the World.

Q. What country do you hail from?

A. Germany.

Q. What part of Germany?

A. Bavaria.

Q. What is the name of the place?

A. Two hours from Munich; Munich is the capital of Bavaria.

Q. What is the name of the place?

A. Erding.

Q. What schooling did you have?

A. Well, I have attended school in the old country and I attended night school in New York for about four winters; that’s all the schooling I had.

Q. You haven’t a very good education then?

A. Indeed I ain’t.

Q. Have you always enjoyed good health?

A. Yes, sir; I am a healthy, sane man, never been sick.

Q. Never been sick?

A. No, sir.

Q. Ever been sick within the last year?

A. No, sir.

Q. Well, do you believe that that’s a sane act that you committed this evening?

A. I believe that is my duty as a citizen to do, it’s the duty of every citizen to do so.

Q. Well, how did you happen to get the idea that it was your duty among all the people that live in the United States?

A. I don’t know; I thought maybe somebody else might do it before I got there.

Q. And you spoke to no one about your intention on all the route you took concerning this, nobody?

A. No, sir; nobody.

Q. Are you familiar with the law in New York with reference to carrying concealed weapons?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. What is it?

A. I know when I bought the gun the man told me, “I have to take that one screw out in order to make the trigger ineffective” and I told him not to do so because I was going to leave town the very same day, which I did.

Q. He didn’t take it out?

A. No, sir; he didn’t do it; I showed him the ticket for the steamship that I was going south the very same day and he said as long as I was going out the law didn’t fit that.

Q. Where were you going to?

A. To Charleston.

Q. On the steamship to Charleston?

A. Yes, sir; I wanted to go from New York to New Orleans because I thought he was going to speak in New Orleans and I thought I would be too long on the road and he would be gone before I got there and I thought I would go and get him at Atlanta.

Q. What hotel did Mr. Roosevelt stop at in Charleston?

A. Sir?

Q. What hotel?

A. He hasn’t been at Charleston; I went to Augusta and from Augusta to Atlanta.

Q. What hotel did he stop at at Atlanta?

A. I really could not tell you, I don’t know; I think I left the memorandum downstairs where I stopped, but I don’t think I could tell you where he stopped.

Q. What hotel did he stop at at Chicago?

A. At Chicago, at Chicago he stopped, stopped at La Salle.

Q. Where did you stop?

A. I stopped at Jackson, Hotel Jackson.

Q. Where is he going to after he leaves here?

A. The way I read in the paper this morning he is going back to Chicago and from there to Indianapolis and from there to Louisville.

Q. What name did you register under at Augusta?

A. Walter Ross.

Q. What name at Atlanta?

A. All the way except Charleston I give my real name; the only time I give the right name is in Charleston where I left my grip; I saw it was a respectable house and I didn’t have to stay away more than a week and now I have been away more than three weeks.

Q. Have you a check for it?

A. No, sir; I have no check; it is not a hotel, it is a boarding-house.

Q. What street is it on?

A. It is I believe on Meading street near Main.

Q. What place did you stop at since you have been in this city?

A. In this city I stopped here, let me see, what do they call that hotel again, right here on Wabash, small hotel.

Q. Blatz?

A. No, sir.

Q. St. Charles?

A. No, sir; small place, Argyle, that’s on Third street.

Q. Did you have any baggage when you came here?

A. No, sir; I left all the baggage at Charleston.

Q. When you registered did they ask you whether you had any baggage?

A. No, sir; nobody asked me.

Q. Did you pay in advance?

A. I generally never stayed any longer than one or two nights and for every night I pay a dollar for my room; nobody asked me about baggage.

Q. You paid that after you registered at the Argyle?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. What room did you occupy?

A. In the Argyle I guess it was number one, right toward the Wabash River.

Q. Why do you call it the Wabash River?

A. Because the man told me it was; he said, “the only room I have left is the one facing the Wabash River.”

Q. What is the name of this city?

A. This city, it’s supposed to be Milwaukee; I feel very sorry that the trouble has happened in this city; I suppose I have made considerable trouble for you people and for the citizens of the town.

Q. Have you any relatives living in this country?

A. No, sir.

Q. Any in Germany?

A. Yes, sir; I think I have, I haven’t been in correspondence for quite a while, I don’t know if they are well.

Q. What relatives have you?

A. I have a mother living there.

Q. Mother?

A. Yes, brother and sister.

Q. At Erding?

A. No, they are at Tyrol.

Q. Switzerland?

A. Tyrol that is not Switzerland, that is Bavarian Tyrol.

Q. Have you ever been in trouble before?

A. No, sir; not that I remember.

Q. Ever been arrested for anything?

A. Not in my life.

Q. Have you ever been committed to an institution of any kind?

A. No, sir; never, I have always stayed out of trouble, I have never been in any trouble whatever, and this trouble I committed myself, now I am contented I did.

Q. You are not a bit sorry?

A. No, sir. You may look up the records of all New York police headquarters, because I have never been there, I have never been arrested there.

Q. What did you say your name was?

A. John Schrank.

Q. Did you tell anybody that you were going to leave your baggage there?

A. I told them people I was going to stay away for about three days.

Q. Did you make any arrangement for them to send it in case you wrote for it?

A. No, sir; I stopped there two days and paid eight dollars in advance for a week’s board, and I dressed up and went away and I told the people I might be back in three days and of course ever since then they didn’t hear anything of me and I guess if they do hear and I can communicate they will give it over and all perhaps they will charge is the storage.

Q. Why did you tell them you were going to be gone three days?

A. I didn’t think it would take longer than three days when I would be away.

Q. Then you thought you would go back?

A. I thought I would be arrested, I couldn’t tell.

Q. What does your grip contain?

A. Nothing but a suit of clothes and underwear and I got a deed to my property and as I told you the box where the gun is in and that’s about all there is in.

Q. Are you a full citizen?

A. Sir?

Q. Are you a full citizen?

A. What does that mean?

Q. Got your second papers?

A. I never had my first, I come over here a minor; I got my papers when I was twenty-one, I think my paper reads July twenty-third, ninety-seven; I think that’s what it reads.

Q. When did you first begin to think about this?

A. I began to think of it after the Chicago convention.

Q. What caused you to think of it?

A. I thought on account of calling a new convention and starting the third party that makes anybody think; what’s the use of being a citizen if you don’t take any interest in the politics of our country?

Q. What did you read in the paper that directed your mind to Mr. Roosevelt?

A. You read a lot of things in the papers and especially in the New York World; the New York World practically come out that the country is in danger if he has the chair again.

Q. Did you read Harper’s Weekly?

A. Harper’s I don’t read, no, sir.

Q. Did they say anything in particular that centered your attention on this act?

A. No, sir; not at all, perhaps a million people read it and didn’t think anything and I just happened to read the matter over, I was interested from there.

Q. Editorial page?

A. Editorial page.

Q. You remember any particular editorial?

A. No, sir; I do not remember. I could not repeat it.

Q. Well, did you read anything else in any other paper except the World that made any impression on you of Mr. Roosevelt?

A. Well, in fact I have been following up all papers of the political views and I have been taking out the World as the right thing, she is right the way she talks and one paper I read, the New York Herald, and she never speaks about Theodore Roosevelt but the third termer and she don’t mention his name, only the third termer.

Q. Did you ever apply for any position in the United States Government?

A. No, sir.

Q. Did you know Mr. Roosevelt when he was Police Commissioner?

A. I did, indeed I did. In those days we was and my folks were in the liquor business and they closed us up like the other people and I didn’t feel any sympathy with them.

Q. Which particular place did he close up?

A. What do you mean?

Q. You say he closed up some place of your people, which one?

A. He closed up all places.

Q. Were you in the liquor business?

A. I was with my folks.

Q. With whom?

A. My uncle.

Q. He closed your uncle?

A. He closed everything and there was about two months there was nothing open and a policeman stationed at every door.

Q. That was after midnight and on Sunday?

A. It was not closed up on Sunday but during the week, I am not talking about the Sunday Law.

Q. And you thought that was not right?

A. Anybody encroaches on your right you think it is not right.

Q. How long ago was that?

A. Eighty-six he ran for Mayor against Henry George, I think it was nine-three or ninety-four.

Q. Did the fact of that act of his, of closing you up on Sunday, have anything to do with what you done tonight?

A. No, sir.

Dr. Joseph Colt Bloodgood

Dr. Joseph Colt Bloodgood,
Johns Hopkins University.

Q. You never felt kindly toward him?

A. Yes, sir; I did until he started a third party.

Q. You thought he was infringing on your right?

A. Well, on everybody’s right, every citizen’s right, he had no right to do that; he could start a party and nominate every officer in there, but not put himself on for a third term, that was no way to do.

Q. Did you vote for him in nineteen hundred four or for Parker?

A. I voted Democratic.

Q. Parker?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. You a member of Tammany?

A. No, I am not a member, I am not a member of any political party; when they arrested me one man called me a Socialist.

Q. Did you oppose him in nineteen hundred four?

A. I voted against him; I never expected the man to draw as big a majority as he did.

Q. Did you make speeches against him?

A. No, sir.

Q. Talk against him?

A. The same as anybody else.

Q. You thought he wasn’t liberal?

A. He was not liberal.

Q. You didn’t like his attitude, you were against him?

A. Yes, sir.

Image Credits

In-Article Image Credits

October 15, 1912 newspaper headline THEO. ROOSEVELT IS SHOT BY A MANIAC via Library of Congress by The Lake County Times with usage type - Public Domain. 1912
Bloodstained shirt worn by President Theodore Roosevelt photographed following an assassination attempt in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1912 via History by Harlingue with usage type - Public Domain
Papers in Roosevelt’s pockets at the time he was shot, showing where the bullet struck via History with usage type - Public Domain
The eyeglass case Roosevelt was carrying during the shooting via History
Theodore Roosevelt speaking from a car in Milwaukee on Oct. 14, 1912 via Milwaukee Journal Sentinel by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Files with usage type - Public Domain. 1912
Shirts Worn by Ex-President Roosevelt Showing Extent of Bleeding from Wound While He Spoke via The Attempted Assassination of Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt with usage type - GNU Free
Page One of Letter Found in Schrank's Pocket via The Attempted Assassination of Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt with usage type - GNU Free
Page Two of Letter Found in Schrank's Pocket via The Attempted Assassination of Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
Schrank in County Jail via The Attempted Assassination of Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
Automobile in Which Ex-President Roosevelt Stood when Shot. via The Attempted Assassination of Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
John Schrank in Milwaukee - Theodore Roosevelt assassin via Wikipedia Commons with usage type - Public Domain. 1912
Revolver of John Flammang Schrank, who attempted to assassinate Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 via Wikipedia Commons by Bain News Service with usage type - Public Domain
X-Ray of Schrank's bullet in Roosevelt's chest via Wikipedia Commons with usage type - Public Domain. 1912
Schrank under arrest via Bain News Service with usage type - Public Domain. 1912
Political address by Theodore Roosevelt through which the bullet passed via Wikipedia Commons with usage type - Public Domain. October 12, 1912

Featured Image Credit

Theodore Roosevelt speaking from a car in Milwaukee on Oct. 14, 1912 via Milwaukee Journal Sentinel by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Files with usage type - Public Domain. 1912


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