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Why do loop variables in programming languages often use the lowercase letter i?

The first real computer bug (1945/1947)

How often have you seen code use a loop variable “i” like this?


Or like this:

1 XtNd0XnuPro0dkRvBHfKFg

Loop variables in programming languages often use the letter “i” as a convention. However, this is not a strict rule, and other letters or even whole words can be used as loop variables.

The reason for the prevalence of “i” as a loop variable is likely due to the fact that “i” stands for “index”. In many cases, loops are used to iterate through an ordered collection of data, such as an array, and “i” can represent the index of the current element being processed.

Using “i” as a loop variable can also make code easier to read and understand, as it is a common convention that many programmers are familiar with. This can help to reduce confusion and make code more consistent across different projects and programming languages.

While using “i” as a loop variable is not required, it is a common convention that can make code more readable and consistent.

Image Credits

In-Article Image Credits

The first real computer bug (1945/1947) via Wikimedia Commons by U.S. Naval Historical Center with usage type - Public Domain. September 9, 1947

Featured Image Credit

The first real computer bug (1945/1947) via Wikimedia Commons by U.S. Naval Historical Center with usage type - Public Domain. September 9, 1947


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