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Take a power nap anywhere (and look like a complete idiot) with the new ostrich pillow

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With what surely must be an item on Batman’s utility belt, the new Ostrich Pillow, created by Kawamura-Ganjavian, lets you create your own Fortress of Solitude and catch a few Zzzzzzz’s anywhere, anytime. The package comes complete with Ostrich Pillow and a comb.  The designers explained (we think they’re serious):

“We believe that sleep is one of the most basic human essentials and due to our life styles, our traditional methods of sleep have had to change, Our dream is to improve the world through our environment and products, even if it is while snoring!”

The group is seeking funding for the product via Kickstarter.  Queries to Kawamura-Ganjavian requesting additional information went unanswered (they must be product testing).

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