Unravelling President Donald J. Trump’s rumored political and business ties unveils potentially the greatest US conspiracy of all time
When delving into potential collusion between Russia and high-level U.S. officials, it’s not the depravity of the participants’ actions but rather, the repute of the participants, the public’s level of trust in them, and the frequency of fraudulent activity. These practices are ultimately a normal method of operation in the cesspool of Donald Trump’s domain – the Manhattan real estate market.
With the evidence currently available, we cannot yet conclude that US President Donald Trump had illicit connections to the Russian government (or the mob), shrouded channels that potentially include concessions that weaken the USA’s democracy, nor can we confirm that Donald J. Trump’s business practices, or those of any other New York real estate magnate, are illegal. We can however, reveal a series of little-noticed events that when connected, form a disturbing trail of deceit, corruption, and illegalities. If the potential links between (and activities of) the participants prove to be true, RussiaGate will go down in history as the greatest governmental conspiracy of all time.
How key players relate to the story
New York City’s Manhattan District is central to US business concerns. In fact, many would argue that it is *the* business hub of the world. Many years ago, Russians learned they could launder money through Manhattan real estate. Through shell organizations and with assistance from US-Based organized crime families, real estate investments provide an excellent vehicle in which to park illicit funds. Their task becomes easier to conceal if conducted under the façade of a prominent business leader.
Prominent business leaders will risk participation in these illicit endeavors for two reasons; (1) if profits are high enough to justify the risk or (2) they are forced to participate through threats or extortion. If profits are the motivator, the adage “follow the money” rings true. But if participation is contingent upon extortion, the process of tying the participant to the crime naturally becomes much more difficult.
To better follow the scenario, we must examine key cast members which include prominent politicians, well-known mobsters, large foreign (mostly Russian) business conglomerates and their owners – and a handful of unfortunates who found themselves unknowingly drawn into the combatant’s arena. Make note of the participants and their affiliations – then will follow their path through a trail of conspiratorial activity that began more than a decade ago.
We’ll leave it to you to put the pieces together.
Key players in the Donald J. Trump/Russia collusion saga
Peter W. Smith
Peter W. Smith was an American investment banker and prominent financier of the Republican party. His political efforts were often conducted “under the radar”. In 2016, Smith confirmed to the Wall Street Journal that he attempted to contact Russian hackers to obtain opposition research on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. Smith told Wall Street Journal reporters that National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and others in the Trump organization “knew of” his efforts to obtain Russian intelligence on political opponent Hillary Clinton.
Smith’s motive for revealing his actions is unknown. Possibly he stumbled upon collusion activities involving high-level government officials and recognized the severity of the actions. The answer will never be known. Smith was found dead in his hotel room on May 1, 2017, ten days after the Wall Street Journal interview. Initially the cause of his death was withheld from the public. In July 2017, more than two months after his death, it was revealed that Smith had died of “self-inflicted” asphyxiation.
Michael Flynn
Michael Flynn’s credentials include Director of Defense Intelligence Agency and owner of the Flynn Intel Group. He served as National Security Advisor for President Donald J. Trump until he was forced to resign on February 13, 2017 after it was alleged he misled Vice President Mike Pence about his interactions with the Russian government. In the resulting congressional investigation, Flynn refused to hand over subpoenaed documents to the Senate Intelligence Committee pleading the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination. Insiders say a deal was worked out, the details of which were kept under wraps. Before he died, Peter Smith told reporters Michael Flynn was involved with a campaign to obtain opposition research on Hillary Clinton from Russian hackers. Many believe he not only attempted to obtain materials from Russian hackers, but actively assisted them in their efforts.
Paul Manafort
Paul Manafort joined Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in March 2016 and was promoted to campaign manager just two months later. Manafort has proven connections to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his party. When the relationship was revealed in August 2016, Trump allowed him to retain his position in the campaign. In April 2017, Manafort registered as a “foreign agent”, disclosing that he made more than $17 million between 2012 and 2014 working for a pro-Russian political party.
Around the time of his Ukraine work, Manafort purchased at least four prime pieces of real estate in the United States worth a combined $11 million between 2006 and 2012.
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump made billions of dollars in the real-estate and entertainment businesses. His many projects, run by a litany of subsidiary companies, include the following notable ventures:
- 1978: Commodore Hotel/Grand Hyatt Hotel
- 1978-1983: Trump Tower
- 1984: Trump Plaza/Trump Castle
- 1985: Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida
- 1988-1995: Plaza Hotel
- 1988: Taj Mahal in Atlantic City
- 1994-2002: Empire State Building
- 1996: Trump Building (40 Wall Street)
- 1996-2015: Miss Universe pageants
- 1997: Trump Place
- 2001: Trump World Tower/Trump Park Avenue
- 2004: Trump University
- 2004: Trump Camelback/Trump International
- 2006: Trump Beach Club/Trump Ocean Club (Panama)
- 2008: Trump SoHo
Donald Trump’s borrowing practices
During 1991 and 2009, Trump filed for bankruptcy six times, each time leaving lenders and developers holding the bag. It has been reported that by the late 2000’s, American lenders would no longer lend money for his ventures forcing him to seek financing overseas. German-based Deutsche Bank became his lender of choice. As we will see below, Deutsche Bank plays a prominent role in the Trump-Russia story.
Trump money laundering history
In the late 1990’s, federal authorities said Trump Taj Mahal broke anti-money laundering rules 106 times – in its first year of operation. Ultimately it was found that the organization routinely allowed questionable transactions during the 1990s, a time when Taj Mahal was the preferred gambling destination for Russian mobsters operating out of Brooklyn. Trump negotiated with authorities and paid a $10 million fine. The crimes not only demonstrated Trump’s propensity to break the rules but showed how closely Russian crime syndicates were tied to his business practices.
Trump presidential run
Trump’s ascent to presidency came via a controversial campaign in which he made false and derogatory statements about women, minorities, and other candidates. It was even alleged his misconduct extended beyond disparaging language – at least fifteen women came forward accusing him of sexual misconduct.
In late 2016, Trump won the presidential race in a victory that stunned the world. Mass protests sprang up throughout the country. Democrats denounced his campaign behavior and refusal to release his income tax refunds. Republicans countered that Democrats were merely seeking consolation for a poorly run campaign. Insiders know that Trump’s financial records will likely contain many documented ties to Russian-based business affiliates in addition to campaign violations and shady Manhattan deals.
Russian election interference
What both parties agreed on was Russian interference in the election process. On January 1, 2017, the CIA, FBI, and NSA jointly stated with “high confidence” that the Russian government attempted to intervene in the 2016 presidential election. Russian president Vladimir Putin denied the charges and Trump called their claims the “single greatest witch hunt” in American history.
Trump’s level of involvement with the Russians may never be known. Presidents are often insulated from criminal investigations “for the good of the country”. What can easily be proven though, is that Trump had many business dealings with high-level Russians as early as 1985, that he was involved with several real estate projects that included Russian partners, and that Russians laundered billions of dollars through Manhattan real estate.
Donald Trump Jr.
Donald Trump Jr. is the son of President Donald Trump and his first wife, Ivana. With his brother Eric Trump, he is the executive director of The Trump Organization, a trust controversially established to house his father’s assets during his presidency. Although not a member of Trump’s White House team, he was an active participant in his father’s presidential campaign. He is rumored to have met with Russian operatives during the Trump election campaign.
Jared Kushner
Jared Kushner, eldest son of convicted felon Charles Kushner, married Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, on October 25, 2009. He is the CEO of Kushner Companies (and its subsidiaries) and owner of the New York Observer. He was named as White House Senior Advisor on January 9, 2017. he is also rumored to have met with Russian operatives during the Trump election campaign.
Roger Stone
Roger Stone, a lobbyist and political consultant, describes himself as a dirty trickster. He is a close friend of Paul Manafort. He’s worked on campaigns for both Richard Nixon and Donald Trump. Stone frequently finds himself embroiled in scandal including a rumored drug problem, accusations of forgery, threatening and intimidating opponents, theft, bribery, extortion, and an admitted sex scandal involving ads in a New York newspaper where he sought orgies for him and his wife. He has been described by media outlets as “nasty” and “bigoted”. Ted Crux once told Fox News that Stone “is pulling the strings on Donald Trump. He planned the Trump campaign, and he is Trump’s henchman and dirty trickster.” Stone suspiciously left the Trump campaign on August 8, 2015. It was claimed he actively worked with Russians and Julian Assange to obtain stolen emails with dirt on Hillary Clinton and her campaign. He denies all wrongdoing. However, public Tweets seemingly confirm his role in the criminal affair.
Natalia Veselnitskaya
Veselnitskaya is a prominent Russian attorney whose clients comprise several Russian “state-owned businesses” including the FSB (post KGB), Elektronintorg/Elint SP, and Rostec. Natalia famously represented Denis Katsyv, owner of Prevezon Holdings, defending his company against Russian money-laundering claims. She was formerly married to the Deputy Transportation Minister of the Moscow area. She is rumored to have several close ties withing Washington, D.C. The cases she represented, and the penalties imposed on her clients by the US government, will play a prominent role in the Trump-Russia case as we uncover incentives offered to reduce sanctions against her clients.
Aras Agalarov
Aras Agalarov is a billionaire Russian oligarch and real-estate developer who has often served as a liaison between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. He was awarded the Order of Honor from Putin just ten days before the Moscow Miss America pageant that he helped organize with Trump. He is the father of Erin Agalarov.
Emin Agalarov
Erin Agalarov, son of Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov, is a Moscow-based musician. He gained notoriety after Donald Trump Jr. emails revealed he sought to pass nefarious information about Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. His actions and the communications he carelessly left behind will tie Donald Trump Jr. to the Trump-Russia crimes in a stupidly embarrassing manner.
Rob Goldstone
New York publicist, former tabloid journalist, and prominent New York City playboy Rob Goldstone has been described as racy and flamboyantly gay with an affinity for young males. His clients include musician Emin Agalarov and Donald Trump’s Miss Universe competition. He became widely known after coordinating the dissemination of a Hillary Clinton dossier between the Russian-based Agalarov family and Donald Trump Jr. The knowledge he possesses about the case could prove invaluable to investigators.
Irakly (Ike) Kaveladze)
Reportedly the owner of hundreds of Russian shell companies. In 2000, he was associated with a money laundering case involving funds transferred from Russia through US banks. Kaveladze acted as interpreter during the June 9, 2017, Donald Trump Jr. meeting with Russian nationals.
James Comey
James Comey is a former attorney who first gained visibility after a series of high-profile cases including the prosecution of Martha Stewart. He served as FBI Director from 2013 until May 9, 2017 when he was fired by President Donald Trump. After his dismissal, he accused Trump of pressuring him to drop the Trump-Russia collusion case. Controversially, he publicly announced an investigative maneuver in the Hillary Clinton email investigation which some claimed impacted her run for president.
Comey’s past work included several cases indirectly related to the Trump family’s business practices. He played a prominent part in the Prevezon Holdings and Fusion GPS investigations. He famously investigated former Russian spy Rinat Akhmetshin (one of the participants in the Donald Trump Jr. meeting with the Russians) in a money laundering case. His work in these prior cases provided him extensive knowledge concerning Russian business practices and Trump’s ties to not just Russian crime families, but to officials at the highest level of government office.
Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin has a record of sponsoring activities intended to deride the interests of United States. He’s known for taking an especially hard stance (i.e., imprisonment, execution) against anyone who opposes him. He is suspected to have suspiciously close ties to businessman Donald J. Trump and was accused of sponsoring the Russian hacks with the intent of ensuring Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election.
Christopher Steele
Christopher Steele, former MI-6 British spy, headed Cambridge Union as president, headed MI 6’s Russia desk, and served as an adviser to British Special Forces. Steele investigated and was first to conclude the Alexander Litvinenko polonium-210 radiation poisoning was a Russian state-sponsored hit. He was hired by Fusion GPS to create a dossier on Donald J. Trump in which he reportedly uncovered illicit sexual encounters and suspected illicit Russian connections (see complete transcript of the Christopher Steele dossier here). Believing the Russians had compromised Donald Trump sufficiently to blackmail him, Steele turned over his dossier to British and US intelligence agencies before it ultimately leaked to the press.
Rinat Akhmetshin
Rinat Akhmetshin is a Russian national and suspected former Russian GRU intelligence officer. He acted as a lobbyist for Prevezon Holdings and is linked to Fusion GPS. He was suspected to have hired Andrey Melnichenko to hack and steal sensitive information from International Mineral Resources. He was subject of a US complaint for failure to register as a foreign agent. He has been linked to US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (aka “Putin’s favorite congressman”) and US President Donald Trump. Rinat reportedly gave secret documents to Rohrabacher in June 2017 (around the same time Donald Trump Jr. met with Russian reps) which led to Rep. Rohrabacher seeking to alter sanctions against Russia legislation.
Felix Sater (Satter)
Russian-born Felix Sater is a current and former business associate of Donald J. Trump. Despite denials by Trump, he is linked to him through documented business deals and meetings, including at least one meeting in Moscow. Sater is the Russian-born cofounder and managing director of Bayrock-Sapir, a partner in the development of Trump SoHo. According to his FBI handler, he is the son of Semion Sater, the “Mogilevich crime syndicate boss”.
In 1991, Sater was convicted of first-degree assault after stabbing a man in the face (he served one year in prison). In 1998, he was found guilty for his involvement in a $40 million stock fraud scheme. An active member of Chabad of Port Washington, he was contracted to develop the Trump SoHo property in Manhattan in 2005.
After being accused of money laundering in the mid-2000’s, Sater fled the country. Shortly after, he brokered a deal with the FBI involving information on black market Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and allowed to return to the United States. As part of the agreement, his records were sealed for ten years by US Attorney for Eastern District New York Loretta Lynch. According to Lynch, she sealed the records because Sater provided “information crucial to national security and the conviction of over 20 individuals including those responsible for committing massive financial fraud and members of the mafia.” All motions to unseal the documents have been denied.
Reports indicate that in the early period of Trump’s term (January 2017), Sater met with Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, to discuss plans to lift sanctions against Russia. It is rumored he was involved in undisclosed real estate dealings between Russia and the Trump organization. Whether or not Sater is still under the guiding hand of the FBI is unknown.
Tevfik Arif
Tevfik Arif is the Russian cofounder of Bayrock-Sapir, business associate of Donald Trump, and developer of the Trump SoHo project. According to testimony against him, he “pretends to be Turkish to avoid connection to his questionable past in Russia.”
Arif formerly worked for USSR’s Ministry of Commerce and Trade. In 2010, he was arrested in a raid on a yacht in Turkey and charged with running a prostitution ring with women acquired via human trafficking from Russia and Ukraine. Two of the Russian women rescued in the raid were reportedly only 16 years old. He is one of the largest donors to the Chabad of Port Washington, an organization tied tightly to Felix Sater.
Tamir Sapir
Tamir Sapir was born to a Jewish family in the USSR in 1947. His father was a major in the Soviet Army. He founded the Sapir Organization, a developing partner in the Trump SoHo project. Sapir famously ran an electronics store in New York City that catered to Russian immigrants and was rumored to sell spy equipment to Russian operatives in the United States.
In 2004, his executive vice president Fred Contini pleaded guilty to participating in a racketeering conspiracy with the Gambino crime family.
Sapir died on September 26,2014, shortly before Trump began his run for presidency.
Sergei Magnitsky
Magnitsky was a Russian lawyer and namesake of the 2012 Magnitsky Act sponsored in part by Senator John McCain. He publicly alleged large-scale theft within the Russian government and was promptly arrested by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Seven days before the expiration of the maximum term he could be held, he died in Russian custody. Russian officials claimed he died of pancreatitis. Witnesses say he was beaten to death by Russian guards.
In 2012, it was discovered that much of the stolen funds Magnitsky referred to had been laundered through Manhattan real estate with potential ties to the Trump organization.
Denis Katsyv
Katsyv is the son of Pyotr Katsyv, former vice governor of the Moscow region. He is the legal owner of Prevezon Holdings and maintains close ties with high-level Russian government officials. As part of the Prevezon case exposed by Sergei Magnitsky, Katsyv was accused of laundering millions through Manhattan real estate. The case was unexpectedly settled on May 12, 2017, two days before it was set to go to trial. Rumors hinted that Katsyv struck some sort of deal.
Lev Leviev
Lev Leviev is the Russian-born President of LLD Diamonds Group, the Federation of Jewish Communities, and VK.com, Russia’s largest social network. He is the Chairman of Africa-Israel USA, a purported shell company for Manhattan real estate deals, and a known associate of Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Key organizations and their relationship to Donald J. Trump/Russia
John Galt Corporation
John Galt Corporation is named after a character in Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged, which tells of a dystopian United States where successful businessmen are regulated out of business by a greedy and controlling government. The book begins with this line: “Who is John Galt?” They claim to be a construction business based in New York City.
Post 9/11, John Galt Corp was contracted by Bovis Land Lease to demolish the Deutsche Bank Building after the building suffered damage during the September 11 terror attacks. When their building and business practices were called into question, the New York Times noted the company “has apparently never done any work like it. Indeed, Galt does not seem to have done much of anything since it was incorporated in 1983.”
By the end of the Deutsche Bank Building job, they would be drawn into a wide-ranging criminal indictment. One of the company’s purchasing agents would be sentenced to 7 ½ years in prison for embezzling over $1.2 million from the building’s demolition. The company and three of their managers would see manslaughter charges filed against them. It is now believed the company was nothing more than a shell company hired by a parent company – Bovis Lend Lease.
Bovis Lend Lease/Lend Lease Project Management
Bovis Lend Lease operates in more than 40 countries around the world. In 2012, the U.S. Attorney’s office charged them with defrauding clients in three separate schemes resulting in a $50 million deferred prosecution settlement. Bovis Lend Lease were hired to oversee the demolition of the Deutsche Bank Building and were the General Contractor for the Trump International and Trump SoHo projects.
Deutsche Bank
Based in Germany, Deutsche Bank is the 2nd largest bank in the world. They are the former owners of Deutsche Bank Building in New York City and operate through nearly one thousand subsidiaries and special purpose entities including Taunus Crop, Bankers Trust, Deutsche Bank OOO, OJSC Deutsche Bank DBU, and Deutsche Sharp Pixley Metals. Various reports have indicated they are the Trump family’s primary bank (after American banks began refusing loans due to his many bankruptcies). Reports suggest over $3 billion dollars in loans have been distributed to the Trumps through Deutsche Bank. The bank has been involved in more than 7,800 legal disputes with charges including tax evasion, espionage, wire fraud, improper business, and money laundering.
Prevezon Holdings LLC
Prevezon is a real estate company based in New York City. In May 2017, US authorities settled a longstanding case against Prevezon alleging they were one of the companies used for laundering money ($230 million) exfiltrated from Russia and dispersed through Manhattan real estate (more below). Attorneys working the case would later be shown to have close ties to the Trump organization.
Bayrock was founded in 2001 by former Soviet official, Tevfik Arif. They are a New York based real estate company with plurality interests in more than 12 subsidiary holding companies including a strategic partnership with mysterious Icelandic investment company, FL Group.
Bayrock-Sapir were a developing partner in the Trump SoHo and other Trump Organization projects. Their office resided on the 24th floor of Trump Tower. They are the subject of several lawsuits accusing them of fraud, extortion, theft, and illicit mob connections.
FL Group/Baugur Group
FL Group is an Icelandic company (Stodir) with an odd link to Baugur Group and Bayrock Sapir. FL Group is partially owned by several Russian entities.
In 2008, FL Group was placed into administration and parts of the company nationalized by the Icelandic government. Around this time, the FL Group Chairman stepped down after being convicted for breaking accounting laws. His wife replaced him.
The line between FL Group and Baugur Group is difficult to discern. In one instance, Baugur Group acquired 20% of FL Group. A short time later, FL Group purchased 39% of Baugur Group. Investigators found that Baugur Group’s only means of contact was a single postal mailbox in the British Virgin Islands that was shared by more than a dozen companies.
In 2002, Baugur’s headquarters were raided and its founders charged on 40 counts including accounting irregularities, fraud, and embezzlement. The founder was convicted in 2007 but inexplicably given only a 3-month suspended sentence.
Baugur Group/Fl Group were developing partners in the Trump SoHo project.
Fusion GPS
Fusion GPS was founded by Glen Simpson and Peter Fritsch. They are a research and strategic intelligence firm based in Washington D.C. When politicians need a person’s reputation destroyed, they call Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS were lobbyists for Prevezon Holdings. They also hired Christopher Steele to compile the dossier on Donald J. Trump.
DiFama Concrete and the Lucchese Crime Family
DiFama Concrete has been subject of many documented federal violations. They are owned by Joseph Fama and Joseph DiBennedetto, both reportedly members of the Lucchese crime family (aka Cosa Nostra). DiFama Concrete were subcontractors on the Trump SoHo project when they were found to be using inferior materials. As a result, construction on Trump SoHo was halted by regulators.
Federation of Jewish Communities (of Russia/of CIS) / Evraz
The Federation of Jewish Communities were founded by Roman Abramovich, owner of Evraz, a Russian steel and mining company. Interestingly, it has been reported that Evraz holds a 40% interest in the steel contract for the Keystone Pipeline project.
Africa-Israel USA
Africa-Israel USA first emerged in the public eye when Lev Leviev (AFI’s Chairman of the Board) was associated with the construction of Israeli settlements on the West Bank. AFI were on the verge of collapse in late 2009 when US federal government seized their properties at 40 Pine St. during the Prevezon Holdings money laundering case.
New York-based Lucchese crime family
The Lucchese crime family is one of the “Five Families” that dominate organized crime in New York City. They were the basis for the movie Goodfellas. Lucchese arrived on the scene in the 1920’s and achieved great success with illicit labor and construction contracts. On October 1, 2009, forty-nine Lucchese members were charged with bribery, racketeering, bid rigging, and extortion of businesses and construction sites in Manhattan.
On May 31, 2017, one month before details of Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with several Russians was revealed, nineteen members were charged with racketeering and murder. Only three days prior, Federal agents arrested nearly a dozen members of New York City’s Bonanno organized crime family – a mafia organization with alleged ties to Russian businessman Felix Sater.
The Lucchese crime family is still active in New York today and rumored to be run by Victor Amuso from prison. They are thought to hold an interest in at least one contractor for the Trump SoHo project and may have a close relationship with Bovis Lend Lease, the general contractor for Trump SoHo.
US Attorney Preet Bharara brings charges against Prevezon real-estate – accused of money laundering illicit Russian funds (2007)
One of the primary motivators of the Russian government is a little-known set of “adoption laws”. In 2012, the US adopted “Magnitsky Laws” to sanction Russians connected to the death of Segei Magnitsky (the attorney who exposed the Prevezon fraud). The Magnitsky sanctions, which bar many prominent Russian businessmen from operating in the United States, have tormented Russia since the Magnitsky Act was signed into law by President Obama in 2012. As a result, Russians countered with a ban on the adoption of Russian children. To date, Russia and Russian lobbyists have pressured the US to withdraw the Magnitsky sanctions to no avail. Surprisingly, when someone refers to the “ban on Russian adoptions”, it relates as much to the Prevezon case as the Magnitsky case – and neither have anything to do with the adoption of children.
The Prevezon case (US v. Prevezon Holdings, No. 13-cv-06326, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Manhattan) dates to 2007 and was initiated to expose how Russian government officials laundered $230 million through New York City (primarily Manhattan) real estate. According to court testimony, Prevezon and its owner, Moscow businessman Denis Katsyv, stole the identity of American firm, Hermitage Capital Management, and used several of the company’s subsidiaries to launder pilfered Russian federal funds. Hermitage attorney Sergei Magnitsky exposed the fraud and filed a complaint with Russian officials. He was promptly arrested by Russian authorities.
Sergei Magnitsky was held in a Russian prison for nearly a year. Three days before the maximum term he could be held expired, he was found dead in his jail cell. Russian authorities said he died of a heart failure. Witnesses say Magnitsky was beaten to death by Russian guards.
As part of the Prevezon case, US officials (SDNY) seized millions of dollars of Manhattan properties including the following:
- 250 East 49th St. Unit Comm3
- 160 Wooster Street Unit Com-1
- 127 Seventh Avenue Retail Unit 2
- 20 Pine St. Units 1810, 1816, 2009, 2308, and 1711
The case had originally been brought up by US Attorney Preet Bharara. It was scheduled to go to trial on May 15, 2017, nearly a decade after the charges were filed. Two months before trial, Bharara was fired by President Donald Trump after refusing to follow Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ order for all remaining US Attorneys to resign. A new attorney, Joon H. Kim, was appointed by Donald Trump. Without warning, the case was settled by Joon Kim two days later. The abrupt conclusion left many wondering why the Russian investigation had been cut short.
Many were stunned when it was announced that the case had been settled for $5.9 million, an astonishingly low amount considering an estimated $230 million had been laundered through U.S. real estate properties. As part of the settlement, Prevezon and its business associates did not acknowledge any wrongdoing.
The Prevezon case remained unknown to most Americans until Donald J. Trump won the presidency and appointed the US Attorney that ultimately shuttered the case. Some conclude that a criminal case held over Trump’s head could have been the reason for his complicated entry, and abrupt withdrawal, from the 2012 election. In 2012, the statute of limitations would have still been in effect. They expired in 2016.
Deutsche Bank – Trump family’s primary lender is a German bank (2005)
It has been widely reported that Deutsche Bank of Germany has been Donald Trump’s lender of choice for more than a decade. After declaring six bankruptcies and leaving many banks holding worthless debt, American banks began refusing loans to the billionaire real estate tycoon. It is believed the Trump empire has guided more than $3 billion through the German bank’s doors.
If it seems incredible that the world’s 2nd largest bank could be involved in illicit activities, understand that Deutsche is no stranger to controversial, even illegal, business practices. In the 2008 financial crisis (and resulting Great Recession), the company agreed to a $7.2 billion settlement over the sale of toxic mortgage securities believed to have poisoned the US financial system to the point of collapse. Six former employees were accused of tax fraud in 2015. From 2001 to 2007, the bank admitted to engagement in espionage. In April 2015, the bank agreed to $2.5 billion in fines for its involvement in wire fraud. In November 2015, Deutsche was ordered to pay $258 million for conducting illegal business with foreign countries. As of 2016, the bank has been involved in more than 7,800 legal disputes.
In June 2017, Deutsche Bank announced that it would not comply with a request to hand over information related to its relationship with Donald Trump and trades from the bank’s Moscow operation.
The contamination, resolution, and ultimate deadly fire in the Deutsche Bank Building in New York City (2007)
The Deutsche Bank Building was a 39-story skyscraper located at 130 Liberty Street in New York City – directly adjacent to the World Trade Center. The building was badly damaged in the September 11, 2011 terror attacks. A 24-story gash was torn into the building’s façade.
The bank maintained that the building could not be repaired and wanted it to be declared a total loss. The insurance company insisted the damage be treated as recoverable damage rather than a total loss. Complicating matters, the building was found to be contaminated with asbestos.
In 2004, an agreement was reached – the building would be declared a total loss. However, the building must be dismantled piece by piece, a much more expensive process. On August 18, 2007, a fire broke out in the building. Firefighters struggled to put out the fire and two firemen were killed during the battle. In the subsequent investigation, it was discovered that a large section of basement water pipe had been removed, thus hindering the water supply and hampering firemen’s efforts. Three supervisors and the contractor were indicted on manslaughter charges. They worked for the John Galt Corporation, a company that had done no previous demolition work and ran as a shell company. John Galt Corporation had been subcontracted by the Bovis Lend Lease, the company that acted as General Contractor for the Trump SoHo project.
Trump Beach Club/Trump Ocean Club (2007)
Trump’s Beach Club project in Panama deserves minor mention, not because of its importance in the trail of evidence but rather, because it was potentially Trump’s first foray into government sanctioned money laundering. Little is known about the project except that it began in earnest during Panamanian president Ricardo Martinelli’s term. Martinelli’s involvement in the project is well known – he was on the board of the bank that lent Trump the money for the project.
Martinelli became the subject of an Interpol “red notice” – a request for international arrest and extradition. He was accused of embezzling $45 million in government contracts. He was arrested by U.S. Marshals on June 12, 2017. Opening day photos of the Trump Beach Club project show Donald Trump and a grinning Ricardo Martinelli cutting the red ribbon.
The Trump SoHo project (2008)
The Trump SoHo project is a 45-story hotel/condominium located at 246 Spring Street in Manhattan. The project was announced in 2006 and completed two years later, at the height of the US financial crisis and onset of the Great Recession. It was a time of financial hardship for many Americans – and many American businesses. The real estate sector was hit particularly hard.
The Trump SoHo project was a combined effort between (1) the Trump Organization, (2) Bayrock Group-Sapir, and (3) the FL Group. Bovis Land Lease, the company charged with manslaughter over the Deutsche Bank Building fire, was assigned main contractor duties.
The project faced strong opposition from the beginning as locals complained that Trump had sidestepped a longstanding ordinance prohibiting hotels in the area by labelling the building a “condominium” with strict rental restrictions that left rooms uninhabited during much of the year (during which time they could be rented out daily).
Opposition to the project strengthened in January 2008 when three workers were injured, and one killed after a fall from the 42nd floor. The workers were reportedly Russian immigrants employed by the DiFama Concrete company, a Brooklyn based company with suspected ties to the Lucchese crime family. Construction was stopped when investigators found the company was using substandard materials.
It is believed that Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump received “tens of millions of dollars in fees and partnership interests” for the project. One report indicated the Trumps held a nearly 20% interest. In 2001, about a dozen early SoHo buyers filed lawsuits against Trump SoHo alleging they had been “fraudulently misrepresented”. The case was ultimately settled without going to trial or admitting guilt. Plaintiffs were given 90% of their money back to drop the case.
In 2016, it was discovered that Trump SoHo partner, FL Group, appeared to be a Russian-owned shell company operating under the Baugur Group. Baugur Group was already well known to federal investigators. Owners of the company were charged on 40 counts including accounting irregularities, fraud, and embezzlement in 2002. SoHo’s second partner, Bayrock-Spair was found to be owned by two Russian nationals; Felix Sater, a known mobster convicted in a $40 million stock fraud scheme, and Tevfik Arif, who was later arrested in a raid on a yacht in Turkey and charged with running a prostitution ring. Despite court records showing otherwise, Trump repeatedly denied any association with foreign Russian entities.
Trump’s Moscow Miss Universe Pageant (2013)
Donald Trump purchased the Miss Universe rights from ITT Corp in 1996. Immediately NBC sold exclusive rights to air the contest. In 2013, Donald J. Trump entered into a partnership with Aras Agalarov and his son, Emin, major Russian real-estate tycoons based in Moscow with close ties to the Kremlin. The contest was funded by the Agalarov’s and held in Moscow. Two years later, Trump began his controversial campaign for US President.
Because of Trump’s controversial comments about women and minorities during the presidential campaign, NBC severed all business relationships with the Trump organization and dropped rights to the Miss Universe contest. A month later, Fox News assumed all rights to the property.
The details of the arrangement between Trump and the Agalarov’s have never been fully understood. It has been proposed that it was during his time in Russia preparing for the Miss Universe contest, Russian authorities compromised the tycoon “sufficiently to be able to blackmail him” (See Christopher Steele dossier below). Others believe a massive Russian real estate deal was (or is) in the works. What is inarguable, is that a long-lasting relationship was developed, one that carried over into his presidency and triggered a public outcry when the brothers resurfaced to offer Russian assistance for his presidential campaign.
Dirt on Clinton (Clinton’s private email server, the DNC email hacks) (2016)
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” – Donald J. Trump, July 2006
The Wall Street Journal was the first to break the story that Russian hackers attempted to get stolen Democrat emails to an intermediary and then to Mike Flynn. The reports were confirmed by former equity advisor and Republican financer Peter W. Smith who admitted to newspapers that he attempted to obtain the Clinton emails from Russian hackers. Smith told reporters that Michael Flynn was aware of his efforts. Shortly after speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Smith was found dead in his hotel room. It was not revealed until two months later that Smith had been asphyxiated.
Ultimately the DNC emails were passed to Wikileaks. Notorious hacker Guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for the hack. Guccifer had long been suspected to be a persona, or more accurately, the media arm for a collective of Russian state-sponsored hackers.
On December 9, 2016, the CIA confirmed Russia had conducted adversarial operations during the 2016 US election, including hacking DNC email, to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning the presidency. Given Trump’s conspicuous ties to Russian entities, it was suggested he or his campaign may have colluded with Russia.
The question of Russia’s impact on the election may never be answered. At the time of the hack, polls suggested Clinton would win despite the email hacks and private email server fiasco. Only a single poll suggested Trump had pulled ahead. The IBD/TIPP Poll had been the most accurate poll in recent presidential elections. It showed Trump pulled even with Clinton on November 2 and pulled ahead on November 6 – just two days prior to the election. If this were indeed the case, Russia had not only interfered with a US election – they had determined its outcome.
The Trump dossier (the Christopher Steele report) (2016)
By late 2015, Republicans were concerned about the possibility of Donald Trump winning the presidential nomination. As a result, they secured the services of Fusion GPS to investigate Trump’s Russia-related activities. Once Trump won the nomination, making the point moot, Democrats took over funding of the Fusion GPS investigation.
Ex-British spy Christopher Steele was assigned to lead the investigation and tasked with compiling a dossier of Trump’s activities. In the end, Steele turned over his report to both British and American intelligence officials after concluding that the material should not just be in the hands of Trump’s political opponents since it seemed to him “to be a matter of national security for both countries”.
After Trump’s victory in November 2016, Steele continued working on the dossier. The dossier was made public (i.e. leaked) by BuzzFeed in early 2017. Trump denied the report’s allegations calling it “fake news”. In it were claims that Russia possessed damaging or embarrassing information about Trump which could be used for purposes of blackmail including sexual and financial dealings with Russian entities. Intelligence officials say skepticism and caution should be used when assessing the viability of the dossier claims. However, they note that there is a high degree of confidence that at least some of the claims therein are credible (read complete transcript of the Trump dossier below).
In July 2017, the Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Fusion GPS’s co-founder, Glenn Simpson to testify in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation. Simpson’s attorneys asserted their client would invoke his Fifth Amendment right in response to the subpoena.
The Donald Trump Jr. email – Don Jr. agrees to meet with the Russians (2017)
“Hillary Clinton has to go to jail. Alright, I said it. She has to go to jail. The fact that they even allow her to participate in this race is a disgrace to the United States, is a disgrace to our nation.” Donald J. Trump, June 2, 2016
The day after the above statement was made, an email chain between publicist Rob Goldstone and Donald Trump Jr., began to circulate. The email began in part, “Emin Agalarov just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting”.
Goldstone explained that Russia’s Yury Chaika (Prosecutor General of Russia) met with Russian business tycoon Aras Agalarov earlier in the day and offered to provide the Trump campaign with “official documents and information” that could “incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia.” Goldstone noted that the information was sensitive but a “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” The bait had been set.
Goldstone added that he could also “send this info to your father via Rhona” but since it was sensitive, wanted Donald Trump Jr. to see it first. Trump responded, “If it’s what you say, I love it.” He suggested they do a call “first thing next week when I’m back.”
The email chain continued and on June 7, Goldstone said Emin Agalarov asked that the meeting be scheduled two days later with the “Russian government attorney” (Natalia Veselnitskaya). “How about 3 at our offices?”, Trump Jr. wrote back.
Trump Jr. added that Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner would also join him in the meeting. Ultimately, more people attended the meeting than was reported including a representative for the Agalarov family, alleged money launderer Irakly Kaveladze, and Rinat Akhmetshin, former Russian spy and lobbyist who had already been accused of acting as an unregistered foreign agent for Russia.
That same night (June 7) at a political speech, Trump promised to reveal illicit clandestine activities conducted by the Clintons,
“I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week (June 13), and we’re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons. I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. I wonder if the press will want to attend, who knows. Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her private hedge fund — the Russians, the Saudis, the Chinese — all gave money to Bill and Hillary and got favorable treatment in return.”
The Trump/Russia meeting took place on Thursday, June 9 as planned but according to Trump Jr., he did not receive the information the Russians promised to deliver. Trump appeared to break the news to supporters at a New Hampshire college,
“This was going to be a speech on Hillary Clinton and how bad a president, especially in these times of radical Islamic terrorism, she would be. There will be plenty of opportunity to discuss these important issues at a later time, and I will deliver that speech soon. But today there is only one thing to discuss: the growing threat of terrorism inside of our borders.”
The New York Times revealed the meeting one year later in a series of articles. Minutes before they published the complete transcript of the Trump/Goldstone communication, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted it from his personal account explaining that he wanted to be “totally transparent”. Steven Colbert joked that night, “I’m apologize for thinking Eric was the dumb one.”
Immediately after the email chain was tweeted by Donald Trump Jr., funds were quickly withdrawn from President Donald Trump’s campaign fund and used to hire attorneys for Don Jr.
Can a high-profile businessman run a crooked business and get away with it?
The old adage, “follow the money” still rings true. However, in today’s business environment, Donald J. Trump often lends little more than his capital and expertise to real estate projects that bear his name. In these endeavors, partners (such as Bayrock) can schedule work and execute business transactions, insulating high-level partners from any potential legal or criminal responsibility.
The money trail can be further obscured though layers of corporate entities. For example, a top-level holding company may legally exist under a lower-level subsidiary. Below the subsidiary there may be layers of additional subsidiaries and under these, interests may be portioned to individuals through partnerships. Taxing differences in each type of entity complicate tracking of money. For instance, partnerships rarely report taxes because profits are expected to be reported as going to the partners personally. The layers-upon-layers of organizational structure offer barriers to financial reporting – and investigations.
Finally, we must consider the Statute of Limitations. Over the past decade, Donald Trump has been especially careful to ensure legal barriers are in place to protect his interests. For older projects, the Statute of Limitations has likely expired.
Given the above considerations, a scenario does indeed exist where all participants could walk away from this with no liability. The President of the United States has the power to pardon anyone for any reason. The only person he cannot pardon is himself in time of impeachment (theoretically). If Trump wishes, he could simply pardon Donald Trump Jr., his cabinet, his campaign team, and everyone else subject to prosecution. Guilt or innocence would not matter – the law could not touch them. That would leave the president himself at risk. However, with careful planning around the Statute of Limitations, he would also walk away with no penalty – and that would make this episode the greatest conspiracy in American history.
Additional information
But what about China?
There are those that believe Trump colluded with Russians and evidence certainly lends credence to the theory. However, some are quick to point out that Trump has massive dealings with China too, and those dealings could involve much larger bribes and massive kickbacks. Directing attention toward Russia may purposefully defer attention from an even worse crime.
Transcripts of Donald Trump Jr. Email to Rob Goldstone
Update (8/9/17): Reports surfaced that FBI agents raided the home of Paul Manafort and seized documents and other materials.
On June 3, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Good morning
Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.
The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump—helped along by Aras and Emin.
What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?
I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.
Rob Goldstone
On June 3, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:
Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?
On June 6, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 at 12:40 PM
To: Donald Trump Jr.
Subject: Re: Russia – Clinton – private and confidential
Hi Don
Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info — you had mentioned early this week so wanted to try to schedule a time and day Best to you and family Rob Goldstone
On June 6, 2016 at 15:03, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:
Rob could we speak now?
Rob Goldstone’s response
From: Rob Goldstone
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 3:37 PM
To: Donald Trump Jr.
Subject: Re: Russia – Clinton – private and confidential
Let me track him down in Moscow
What number he could call?
On June 6, 2016 15:38, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:
My cell thanks
On June 6, 2016 at 3:43 p.m., Rob Goldstone wrote:
Ok he’s on stage in Moscow but should be off within 20 Minutes so I am sure can call Rob
On Jun 6, 2016, at 16:38, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:
Rob thanks for the help.
On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Hope all is well
Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.
I believe you are aware of the meeting — and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?
I assume it would be at your office.
Rob Goldstone
On Jun 7, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:
How about 3 at our offices? Thanks rob appreciate you helping set it up.
On June 7, 2016, at 5:19PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Perfect… I won’t sit in on the meeting, but will bring them at 3 pm and introduce you etc.
I will send the names of the two people meeting with you for security when I have them later today.
On Jun 7, 2016, at 18:14, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:
Great. It will likely be Paul Manafort (campaign boss) my brother in law and me. 725 Fifth Ave 25th floor.
On June 8, 2016, at 10:34 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 10:34 AM
To: Donald Trump Jr.
Subject: Re: Russia – Clinton – private and confidential
Good morning,
Would it be possible to move tomorrow meeting to 4pm as the Russian attorney is in court until 3 i was just informed.
On June 8, 2016, at 11:15, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:
Yes Rob I could do that unless they wanted to do 3 today instead … just let me know and ill lock it in either way.
On June 8, 2016, at 11:18 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:
From: Rob Goldstone
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 11:18 AM
To: Donald Trump Jr.
Subject: Re: Russia – Clinton – private and confidential
They can’t do today as she hasn’t landed yet from Moscow 4pm is great tomorrow.
On June 8, 2016, at 12:03 AM, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:
From: Donald Trump Jr.
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 12:03PM
To: Jared Kushner; Paul Manafort
Subject: FW: Russia – Clinton – private and confidential
Meeting got moved to 4 tomorrow at my offices.
List of Russian individuals banned from the US per the Magnitsky Act
The following Russians were banned from the United States per the Magnitsky Act.
Artyom Kuznetsov, a tax investigator for the Moscow division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Pavel Karpov, a senior investigator for the Moscow division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Oleg F. Silchenko, a senior investigator for the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Olga Stepanova, head of Moscow Tax Office No. 28
Yelena Stashina, Tverskoy District Court judge who prolonged Magnitsky’s detention
Andrey Pechegin, deputy head of the investigation supervision division of the general prosecutor’s office
Aleksey Droganov
Yelena Khimina
Dmitriy Komnov
Aleksey Krivoruchko, Tverskoy District Court judge
Oleg Logunov
Sergei G. Podoprigorov, Tverskoy District Court judge
Ivan Pavlovitch Prokopenko
Dmitri M. Tolchinskiy
Svetlana Ukhnalyova
Natalya V. Vinogradova
Kazbek Dukuzov, Chechen acquitted of the murder of Paul Klebnikov
Lecha Bogatyrov, implicated by Austrian authorities as the murderer of Umar Israilov
U.S. officials banned from Russia
In retaliation for the Magnitsky Act, on April 13, 2013, Russia released a list naming 18 Americans banned from entering Russia over their alleged human rights violations.
David Addington, Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney (2005–2009)
John Yoo, Assistant US Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice (2001–2003)
Geoffrey D. Miller, retired US Army Major General, commandant of Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO), the organization that runs the Guantanamo Bay detention camps (2002–2003)
Jeffrey Harbeson, US Navy officer, commandant of JTF-GTMO (2010–2012)
The Russian lawmakers also banned several U.S. officials involved in the prosecution and trial of Russian arms smuggler Viktor Bout and drug smuggler Konstantin Yaroshenko, both serving prison time in the United States:
Jed Rakoff, Senior US District Judge for the Southern District of New York
Preet Bharara, former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York
Michael J. Garcia, former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York
Brendan R. McGuire, Assistant US Attorney
Anjan S. Sahni, Assistant US Attorney
Christian R. Everdell, Assistant US Attorney
Jenna Minicucci Dabbs, Assistant US Attorney
Christopher L. Lavigne, Assistant US Attorney
Michael Max Rosensaft, Assistant US Attorney
Louis J. Milione, Special Agent, US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Sam Gaye, Senior Special Agent, US DEA
Robert F. Zachariasiewicz, Special Agent, US DEA
Derek S. Odney, Special Agent, US DEA
Gregory A. Coleman, Special Agent, US Federal Bureau of Investigation
Russia’s Dima Yahovlev Law
Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act
H.R. 4405 Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012
Working investigative board attempting to outline the relationships in the Trump-Russa collusion case
Image Credits
In-Article Image Credits
There are spies among us - from World War 2 Russian propaganda poster via Altered Dimensions with usage type - Public DomainFeatured Image Credit
There are spies among us - from World War 2 Russian propaganda poster via Altered Dimensions with usage type - Public Domain
Not bad.