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Historic UFO audio archive recovered and released to public. Check them out here!

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Calling her collection “Faded Discs”, Wendy Connors, who worked for several years in the Communications department for the US Air Force, spent much of her life collecting and archiving historic UFO-related audio clips. The audio clips she collected and compiled included recordings of historic UFO related events, audio from Air Force UFO investigation projects, and comments from researchers, astronauts, actors, presidents, along with first-hand accounts from key witnesses to some of the most widely regarded UFO incidents in history. Connors painstakingly restored and cleaned the audio clips so they could be preserved and passed on to future researchers. For decades, Connor’s Faded Discs audio archive compilation were very hard to find with some key pieces thought to be lost forever. This week however, it was announced that researchers Isaac Koi and Giuliano Marinkovic have tracked down the last of the missing pieces and have released the historic audio collection, in full, to the public domain where they may be downloaded from

Amongst the recordings are interviews with Kenneth Arnold, the private pilot widely regarded as the first witness to a disc-shaped UFO, and clips from J. Allen Hynek, the debunker turned proponent for the UFO phenomena. Also included are phone-hotline reports from the National UFO Reporting Center, newscasts reporting the Roswell crash as it happened, a 1949 newscast in which President Harry Truman denied any knowledge of flying saucers, 1955 interviews with abductee George Adamski, and much, much more.

You can download and listen to the clips (several gigabytes of audio are available in multiple “packages”), from or listen to some of the sample recordings below.

July 8, 1947 – ABC news report regarding the historic crash at Roswell

May 1959 – News report that President Truman and the Air Force deny existence of UFOs

May 29, 1950 – Live interview with American Airlines Captain Willis Sperry regarding his UFO sighting

November 11, 1957 – CBS News Report regarding Levelland, TX UFO reports

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