Temperatures are rising across the planet. It is feared India could be uninhabitable by 2100. Alaska has set an all-time high-temperature record. Thousands died in Europe during prolonged heatwaves. Extreme temperatures will stress population centers, and if food shortages occur, we may be forced to supply or supplement our food supply with foods we grow on our own. With rapidly changing climates, it helps to understand which foods grow best in hotter climates.
Firstly, don’t forget that many trees are edible
When considering edible plants that can survive heat, don’t forget trees. With their deep roots and massive structures, they are especially adept at surviving extreme temperatures – and they grow vertically which allows greater food production in limited space.
Nut-producing trees such as pecans and walnuts are well known, but there are many other edible trees in addition to common nut-bearing varieties. The following are trees that have edible components.
Beech – nuts, young leaves, inner bark
Birch – inner bark
Maple – sap, inner bark, seeds, young leaves
Mulberry – fruit, twigs
Oak – acorns
Poplar – inner bark
Willow – inner bark
Pines – inner bar, sap, young pine needles, cones, seeds, pollen
Vegetables that survive well in high heat
When growing vegetables for survival, we must maximize food returns with limited space. Look for plants that grow vertically, such as vine plants. You can also plant clumping varieties vertically by potting and suspending in the air (even upside down if needed).
The following plants grow very well in hot conditions.
Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes need very little cultivation once vines start spreading. Grow vertically for maximum production.
Southern peas
Southern peas are very versatile. They can be eaten before the peas mature or eaten raw once matured. They also can be dried for long-term storage.
Yard-long beans (aka asparagus beans or snake beans)
Yard-long beans are very productive. They can be grown vertically and used to provide protective shade for other crops.
Green beans
Green beans of the pole variety provide a steady production of food throughout the season.
Okra can be harvested every other day. It grows well, not just in hot conditions but in dry conditions too.
This is the most productive, dry-weather plant you’ll find in the tomato/potato family of plants.
Amaranth is excellent for salads and it propagates quickly. Seeds will drop and quickly begin production more edible Amaranth plants.
Malabar spinach
A champion among hot-weather, vining leafy plants. Malabar spinach is not as well known in North America or European countries but with rampant global warming in those areas, is quickly gaining favor. It thrives in the heat and since it’s a vine, can be grown vertically. Leaves can be harvested daily and in warmer conditions, is a perennial plant that will return each year.
A staple plant. Corn grows well in heat and requires very little maintenance.
Image Credits
In-Article Image Credits
Green beans green glam via Wikimedia Commons with usage type - Creative Commons License. March 20, 2020Southern peas via Wikimedia Commons by Harry Rose with usage type - Creative Commons License. August 31, 2014
Featured Image Credit
Heatwave about a city climate change via with usage type -