Have you ever wondered why bugs seem to always swarm around light sources? It’s a common phenomenon that has puzzled scientists for many years. There are a variety of theories available – all of them pretty sad…
They call them “sun pillars”, a type of halo effect, that form when sunlight reflects off the surface of falling ice crystals. Occasionally the optical phenomenon can also be produced from other sources of light, including street lights. Such was the case in Finland last week when light pillars rose into the air projecting a…
Two astrophotographers report capturing video of an ultra-fast UFO screaming across the sky in Darwin, Australia. The couple, Paul and Sylvia Mayo, have 30-years’ worth of astrophotography under their belts and say they are “baffled by the sight” which took place on June 12, 2015 at 1:00 AM as they pulled into a gas station.
NASA video cams captured an intriguing, and bizarre, occurrence on December 5, 2014 – a mysterious beam of red light shooting from an unknown red sphere down to Earth (see screenshot above). The red light beam occurred around 9:20 AM GMT and was captured by a live webcam that’s placed on the outside of the…
Brightly-lit orbs were sighted over Houston, Texas during the night of August 11 and early morning hours of August 12, 2014. Multiple sources came forward presenting video and photographic evidence of the object(s) that were taken as a thunderstorm moved over the area including local KPRC-Houston DJ, DJ Nayyz who claims he also sighted the…
We’re not going to file this one under paranormal events just yet but still, it’s an interesting development. Eagle eyes have spotted an odd shard of light that seems to be erupting from the surface of Mars. Altered Dimensions verified that the photo is available on NASA’s website and has not been altered in any…
Rainer and Edit Shattles of Jackson County, Mississippi were quite perplexed after reviewing video from their “deer cam” that had been set up in an open field on their 150 acres of land in rural Mississippi. The deer cam, which is triggered by an infrared sensor, snaps images of wildlife animals as they approach the…
Several UFO reports arrived from Arizona on Wednesday (1/16/13) while rumors that there is a video of the event is beginning to circulate (we found one video that claimed to be of the event but the objects did not fit the description witness have been providing). One witness reported seeing four huge, glowing orange-yellow lights…