Geek / gek / 1. an unfashionable or socially inept person. 2. a person with an devotion to a particular interest. 3. a nerd-type person with exceptional intelligence, knowledge, and taste who, being at the top of the food-chain, is destined to rule the world.
About Geek Slop’s Geek Encyclopedia
Geek Slop’s Geek Encyclopedia is a massive dictionary of technological, computer, pop-culture, fandom, entertainment, action hero, and comic book terms that are necessary to communicate with a geek in an efficient and effective manner.
- 1 - Collector Grade
- 2 – Standard Grade
- 3 – Slightly Below Standard Grade
- 4 – Package Damaged Grade
- 5 – Damaged Product
- Abend
- Abyssopelagic zone
- Agent X
- ahoge
- Ahsoka Tano
- Alan Moore
- Amanda Waller
- America Chavez
- Anakin Skywalker
- Ancient One
- Andor
- Animal signs
- Anime
- Anne Rice
- Anode
- Ant-Man
- Apache Kid
- Apex Legends
- Apogee
- Apparent diameter
- Aquaman
- Archie Comics
- Archimedes' principle
- Ariel 11
- Artemis
- Atari
- Atomic Man
- Aurra Sing
- Avengers
- Avengers: Endgame
- Avengers: Infinity War
- Avon Publications
- Baby Yoda
- Bad Batch
- Bail Organa
- Ball joint
- Bally
- Banshee
- Bat-Mite
- Batgirl
- Bathypelagic zone
- Batman
- Batman Who Laughs
- Battle of Hoth
- Battle of Yavin
- Batwoman
- BB-8
- Bettie Page
- Beyblade
- Bibble
- Bindery tear
- Birds of Prey
- bishōnen
- Black Adam
- Black Bolt
- Black Canary
- Black Hole
- Black Mamba
- Black Panther
- Black Widow
- Blade Runner
- blockchain
- Bloodsport
- Blue Beetle
- Blue Origin
- Blumhouse Productions
- Bo-Katan
- Boba Fett
- Boeing CST-100 Starliner
- Booster Gold
- Borosilicate Glass
- Bossk
- Brian Michael Bendis
- Bugs Bunny
- Byte
- Cad Bane
- Captain America
- Captain America: Civil War
- Carol Danvers
- Casepack
- Cathode
- Chase Variant
- Chibi
- Clamshell
- Clone Wars
- Cobb Vanth
- Comic book solicitations
- Convention Variant
- Cosplay
- Council of Wizards
- Crash Bandicoot
- Crazy Jane
- Creature Commandos
- Cyberpunk
- Cyborg
- D-O
- Daemon
- Daffy Duck
- Damian Wayne
- Daredevil
- Dark Multiverse
- Darkhawk
- Darkseid
- DC Comics
- DC Extended Universe
- Deadpool
- Death Eater
- Death Note
- Deathstroke
- Demon Slayer
- Derrick Chew
- Despero
- Doctor Strange
- Doom Patrol
- Dorbz
- Dragon Ball
- Drax the Destroyer
- Earth-295
- Earth-616
- Earth-811
- Earth-928
- Earth 2149
- Earth-807128
- Elasti-Girl
- Electrolyte
- Electron
- Elon Musk
- Elseworlds
- Embo
- Epipelagic zone
- Eternals
- Europa
- Exclusive
- Exclusive Variant
- Eye of Agamotto
- Fandom
- Fantastic Four
- Film director
- Flocking
- Foxing
- Funko
- Funko 5 star
- Future State
- Gaiden
- Galactus
- Gambler
- Ganymede
- Gar Saxon
- George Lucas
- Grimace
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Guild Wars
- Gumby
- Gumby
- Gundam Series
- Gunslinger Spawn
- guro
- Gyomei Himejima
- Habitation and Logistics Outpost
- Hamburglar
- Harley Quinn
- Harry Potter
- Hasbro
- Hawk and Dove
- He Who Remains
- Heliotrope
- Herbivores
- HeroQuest
- Horcrux
- Hot Wheels
- Hourman
- Human Landing System
- Hundred-Year Darkness
- Image Comics
- Incredible Hulk
- Infinite Frontier
- Io
- Iron Man
- Ironheart
- Irony
- Jabba the Hutt
- Jack Kirby
- Jade
- Jakku
- James Webb Space Telescope
- Jane Foster
- Jedi Order
- Jedi Order
- John Romita Jr
- Joker
- Jorge Corona
- Josei
- Jupiter's Legacy
- Justice League
- Kal-El
- Kanan Jarrus
- King in Black
- King Shark
- Knockoff
- Kodomomuke
- Kraven the Hunter
- Kylo Ren
- Large Hadron Collider
- Leatherface
- Lex Luthor
- Lobo
- Log line
- Lord Voldemort
- Luke Skywalker
- Madame Web
- Magic: The Gathering
- Manga
- Mariana Islands
- Mariana Trench
- Marvel
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Massassi
- Masters of the Universe
- Matchbox
- Mattel
- Maxwell Lord IV
- Mayor McCheese
- McDonaldland
- McFarlane Toys
- MCU Phase 5
- MCU Phase 6
- Mego Corporation
- Mesopelagic zone
- Midway Games
- Minecraft
- Mjolnir
- Monica Rambeau
- Moon Knight
- Morbius
- Motion Capture
- Motorola
- Mushroom joint
- My Hero Academia
- Naboo
- Natasha Romanoff
- NCC-1701-F
- Negative Man
- Netflix
- Neutron Star
- New Republic
- Nezuko Kamado
- Nocterra
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- OG Account
- Order of the Sith Lords
- Orion Crew Vehicle
- Otaku
- Oxidation
- Pac-Man
- Package Grade
- Padme Amidala
- Palpatine
- Paramount Pictures
- Pay-one TV Window
- Peacemaker
- Peaky Blinders
- Pegwarmer
- Perigee
- Perseverance Rover
- Phishing
- Pickleball
- Points of Articulation
- Poison Ivy
- Pokemon
- Pokemon Red and Green
- Polka Dot Man
- Power and Propulsion Element
- Pre-production
- Pre Vizsla
- Princess Leia
- Principal photography
- R2-D2
- Red Guardian
- Red Hood
- Red Line Club
- Red pill
- Reduction
- Return of the Jedi
- Rey
- Reynolds number
- Rhizomes
- Robotman
- Ronald McDonald
- Rui
- Ryuk
- S.W.O.R.D.
- Sam Fisher
- Satoshi
- Scarlet Witch
- Schleich
- Seinen
- Senpai
- Shazam
- She-Hulk
- Shiv
- Shojo
- Shonen
- Shortpacking
- Silver Surfer
- SIM Swapping
- Sith
- Sith Lord
- Sith Trooper
- Skeletor
- Skottie Young
- Snapdragon 765
- Solicitations
- Son Goku
- Sonic Prime
- South Park
- Space Invaders
- Space Launch System
- SpaceX
- Spawn
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Man 2099
- Spine roll
- Splinter Cell
- Spoor
- Sportsmaster
- Stan Lee
- Star Wars
- Stargirl
- Starman
- Steve Ditko
- Stirling engine
- Stormwatch
- Stranger Things
- Streets of Rage
- Suicide Squad
- Super Saiyan
- Supergirl
- Superior Iron Man
- Superman
- Surveyor 2
- Swamp Thing
- Taito
- Tanjiro Kamado
- Taskmaster
- Tatooine
- Thanos
- The Arrow
- The Authority
- The Boys
- The Chief
- The Drowned
- The Flash
- The High Republic
- The Mandalorian
- The Watcher
- The Witcher
- Thor
- Thor: Ragnarok
- Tianwen-1
- Todd McFarlane
- Tomura Shigaraki
- Topps
- Toy of the Year
- Trench zone
- Triboelectric effect
- Tritos cycle
- Ultraman
- Ungraded
- Universal Pictures
- UPnP
- USS Enterprise
- Valkyrie
- Valkyrie
- Variant
- Vecna
- Virgin Variant
- Volumetric Flask
- Walt Disney Company
- WandaVision
- Wet Bulb temperature
- Wonder Twins
- Wonder Woman
- X-wing Starfighter
- Xenomorph
- Yelena Belova
- Yoda
- Yonkoma
- Zack Snyder
- Zinc alloy